Chapter 4

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Danny's pov

Sitting at the counter I start to get lost in my thoughts.
You're doing this all wrong.
You're going to get attached, and when you leave it'll hurt you both.
I didn't think this through.
It's too late now.
The only thing I can do now is not get attached.
I can't have any happiness.

Alex's pov

Walking around with nothing to do, I contemplate whether I should text Danny.
She wasn't like other people who treated me like a child because I was clumsy.
She didn't laugh at me when I fell, instead she helped when no one would.
Making my final decision, I pull my phone and receipt out of my pocket.

Hey Danny. It's Alex.

I got a reply not even five minutes after.

Hey Alex! What's up.

Not much. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?

Sure. I'd love to. When?

Shoot. I didn't think that I would get this far.

I was thinking we could maybe have a movie night after you're done working?

You idiot! You guys just met.

Sure! My place?

Wow. She said yes...

Yeah. That's fine.

Ok. We can meet up at my work, and then walk over if you want? I get off at 5.


Ok, see you then.

When our conversation was over I just stared at my phone.
It was weird that I had somewhat made a friend. Considering that I was a klutz not many people wanted to befriend me.
I just hope that I don't mess things up.

Danny's pov

It was almost five, and I was just waiting on Alex to show up.
Soon the bell at the entrance jingles.
That must be him.
Sure enough Alex walks up to the counter.
"Hi Alex."
"Hi Danny..."
"Wait just a minute. I just need to grab a few things, and then we can go."
"Ok I'll be here."
I checked out with Emily, grab my jacket, and walk back over to Alex.
"All set. Let's go."
We both then began our walk back to my apartment.

Short chapter. Sorry. I just wanted to update at least something for you guys. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating recently, there's just a lot going on right now, but thanks to everyone who's voting, commenting, and reading. I really appreciate it guys.

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