Chapter 16

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"Hey Danny?"
"Do you still have your wings?"
Silence passed through us for a while.
"I. Don't. Know."
Standing up quickly, I take my shirt off to reveal my tank top. Turning around I see Alex blushing a deep red.
"Aw quit blushing! It's not like I didn't have a shirt under."
I then focused on spreading my wings out, and my wings sprung out. Turning my head to see my wings, I see them with a combination of white and black feathers.
"Oh wow.", says Alex while standing up.
He reaches his hand out as if he was going to touch my wings, but then hesitates.
"You can touch them." I then said.
Slowly he starts to feel the feathers of my wings.
"They're so soft. How does it feel like to fly?"
"Why don't I just show you?" I ask while raising an eyebrow at him.
"Really? I mean is it even safe?"
"Of course it is!" I reply while waving my hand back and forth.
I think.
Tugging on his hand, I begin to drag him out the apartment building. I was heading towards my impact crater, which is where I usually go to fly.
When we finally got to our destination, I looked towards Alex.
"So you're going to wrap your arms around me from behind ok?"
"Just do it."
Once I thought that he was secure, I spread my wings out.
"Hold on tight."
I didn't even let him finish before I shot up into the sky.
"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!! Danny!"
I just begin to laugh.
"I told you to hang on!"
Soon we were on a steady path. I felt free. Flying has always been my favorite thing to do.
Besides being with Alex.
"How are you feeling?", I ask.
"Amazing. This is just...too good for words."
A smile comes to my face when he said that.
Not long after, we went back to land.
I slowly stopped flapping my wings, and safely landed on the ground.
"That was great!"
Yes it was.
I then feel lips crash into mine once again.
"I love you so much. I just can't put it into words."
"I love you too. I can't wait to spend my life with you."
"I can't wait either angel."
"Yeah. My angel."
"I like that."
My angel.

Next chapter is the last one! Comment, vote, and thanks for reading!

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