Chapter 11

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Time Skip

It's been about two months, and it's getting harder and harder to balance everything. Alex is constantly getting into trouble, and I have to always make excuses as to why I leave work early. Alex and I still have our Friday movie nights, but I feel like he's suspecting something.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid? Probably.
I was currently in my apartment with my wings spread out, so that I could clean them. It was almost a daily thing, seeing as sometimes I had to use my wings to defend Alex. Not the cleanest hobby.
I had heard a small click, but didn't think much about it. Maybe my pen fell off my desk.
At least that's what I thought.
Until I heard a gasp come from behind me.
Whipping around, my baby blue eyes come in contact with a pair of sea green eyes.
I had forgotten that I had given him a key to my apartment. He did the same as well. Over these two months, we grew a lot of trust in one another. And I might've, sorta developed a little crush.
"You're the mysterious angel?!"
"Ta-da!" I say weakly while waving my hands.
"I can explain!" I quickly rush out afterwards.
"Please do."
"Ok, but you might want to sit down."
Once he was sitting down across from where I was, I began my explanation.
"I'm just going to start from the beginning. So I originally come from up in the heavens along with all the other angels. I was what you could consider a free spirit, and a little wild. I was very rebellious, and many of the other angels found it very unholy-like. Many of them made complaints to the big guy about my behavior. They all decided to give me one more chance to straighten up, but I didn't want to. In the end I was casted out of heaven by all the angels, and came down here as a fallen angel. In order to go back I have to do a good deed. I've been looking for a chance to do something good enough to get me back for three years now. When I saw you that day at Starbucks, I decided that I would protect you. I first had to get to know you though. So-"
"So basically you were just using me? You didn't really want to be my friend at all, did you?!"
"No, no, no, no, no...well, yes at first. That was the plan originally, but then I got to know you. I got to know all about you, and being lonely all the time made everything so complicated. I didn't want to get close to you so as to not hurt you, but I wanted a friend to hang out with. It's hard being lonely all the time. I didn't mean for all of this to happen!"
"Well it did happen Danny!! You used me. I can't believe you would do that. I trusted you!!!"
"I know, and I'm sorry!!! I just didn't know how you would react, or what would happen, or anything! I didn't want to lose the only friend that I had made! I know what I did was stupid and idiotic, and I'm sorry for hurting you!"
"Sorry won't make things between us any better Danny."
With that being said, Alex walks out of my apartment, slamming the door shut. Leaving me in my living room. Alone.

You guys must hate me for not updating in so long, but here it is. Comment your thoughts and thanks for reading!

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