Chapter 9

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Running to Starbucks fearing that Alex was in danger was me.
I had chosen to protect him, and that's what I'm going to do.
At the entrance of Starbucks stood many policemen, blocking the entrance.
How am I going to save him without exposing myself?
I reached for my bag to use my disguise, only to realize that it was at home.
Ok...Alex doesn't know what I'm wearing, so he won't know it's me. Now for my hair...
I saw some people around the scene, and luckily for me one of them had a snapback hanging around one of their belt loops.
Sneaking up behind them I slowly, but surely took the snapback.
Stuffing my hair inside, and then shoving the hat on top of my head was a little hard at first, but was possible in the end.
Don't use your wings. You'll get caught if you do, and we don't need the world freaking out.
I managed to find a small opening at a window, so I took a running start towards it.
Ramming my body against the glass made it shatter, cutting my body a little.
Standing up with my head down so as to not reveal my face, a gun was put up to my head.
"Don't move. Put your hands where I can see them, and don't do anything stupid."
I knew my eyes were voilet, so I began to look around the people inside for Alex.
Spotting him at the cash register where he was putting money into a bag, he looks over only to stop what he was doing when we made eye contact.
Smirking a bit while giving him a small wave, I grab the offenders hand where he held the gun, twisted it, and shoved it behind his back, making him drop his gun.
I kicked him behind the knees to bring him down to a kneel, and knocked him out with a good punch to the face.
"Go! Leave!" I shout to the crowd of people staring, while making my voice unrecognizable.
Alex then walks up to me.
"Who are you?"
"Your guardian angel. Try to stay out of trouble kid."
I say while ruffling his hair.
Turning around, I walk out of the store the same way I came in.

Alex's pov

My guardian angel? I have a guardian angel?
I was confused with all that was happening.
Maybe I should talk to Danny about this, but after all this is over.

Danny's pov

Once at home, in my bedroom, I change into new clothes while hiding the old ones.
I had left the hat back next to the owner, so that I didn't get in trouble for stealing.
I'm tired. I think I'll sleep earlier today.
It was only 8:30, but I was tired from today.
Getting under my covers, I quickly fell asleep.

Hey guys.
Hope you're all liking the story. Comment what you think.
Is it boring, bad, or lame? I just need a little feedback from you guys please.
Thanks for reading.

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