Chapter 10

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Waking up the next morning helped me determine that today was going to be a lazy day.
Getting up, I took a shower, dried my body, then got dressed in black sweats, a black sweatshirt that said 'I woke up like this' in white letters, and some fuzzy moccasins. I brushed my hair, and made a messy bun while leaving my bangs to cover my right eye.
I suddenly felt a small sting on my left cheek. Walking into my bathroom, I looked in the mirror to see a small cut on my cheek.
Must've got it last night when crashing through the window.
Not thinking much about it, I began to set things up for the movie night.
There was then a knock at the door.
When I open the door, I see Alex standing there with some snacks of his own.
"Hey Alex. Decided to come early?"
"Well I don't have work today, and I wanted to talk to you."
I decided to play stupid.
"Why don't you have work? Wait, first come in."
Stepping inside we both head over to the couch.
"So what's up? It's 10 in the morning, and our movie night doesn't start until later today." I ask.
"I saw the mysterious person again last night."
"What? How?"
"Last night there was a robbery over at Starbucks. Don't worry I'm fine. They were holding hostages, and I had to give them all the money in the cash register. While putting the money in a window shattered, but I just thought that they broke it or something. That was until I looked over, and saw the same voilet eyes that I saw the day I was almost shot! Except their wings were hidden. They fought with the attackers, and knocked them out. In the end, they saved all the hostages and the police took care of the rest. Before I was taken to be interrogated I walked over to this stranger, and asked them what they were."
"What did they tell you?"
"Well they told me that they were my guardian angel."
"Wow. That's so cool if you think about it. You have your own guardian angel, and you know them! Well...somewhat know them."
"It's still a bit weird in my opinion."
"That's ok. It's never happened to you before, so it must be weird."
"Hey what happened to your cheek?" asks Alex while lightly touching my cheek.
"Umm...a cat that I saw yesterday on the streets scratched me when I tried to pet it. No big deal."
I could see the hesitation in his eyes, trying to decide if to believe me or not.
"Ok. Want to just hang out until movie night?"
"Sure." I say while smiling.
Hopefully he won't suspect anything.

I'm sorry for not updating in a while guys, and I just want to say that I don't want to pressure you into giving me feedback. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm pressuring you to comment on my story. Hope you guys like it.

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