Chapter 12

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Soon after Alex had left, I broke down.
I began to cry, and soon my sadness turned into anger.
I began throwing stuff everywhere, not caring where it landed. I was mad and frustrated at the fact that I had let myself get attached to Alex. I knew that this was going to happen at some point. I had even gotten to the point where I grew feelings for him.
"You're so stupid!! You weren't supposed to get attached to him!! Arg!!"
I felt stupid. Pathetic. How had I let this go so far?! I had meant what I said about not wanting this to happen. I just wanted to go home, but my feelings for Alex started to grow and I found that I didn't want to go back.
I thought that if I stopped being his guardian and let all this pass over, I could stay here. With Alex.
Though now I see that he didn't want anything to do with me. He was hurt. Hurt at the fact that I had only used him in the beginning. I didn't want to be his friend at first, but that soon changed when I got to know him. He didn't believe me when I told him though.
I had hurt him. Me. His guardian angel. The one who was supposed to protect him. Not hurt him.
Well, not anymore. He didn't want to see me ever again, and I would have to respect that.
Even if I didn't want to.
I screwed up.
After my little fit, I sat in a corner of my living room. Encased by my wings. I just wanted to disappear.
I was ashamed of myself.
Ashamed of my actions.
Ashamed of my poorly planned actions.
Why me?!

I'm guessing that I had fallen alseep sometime during my pity party. When I woke up, I had a back ache from where I was crouched down in my corner.
Getting up I walked over to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.
I then turned back soon after, and headed towards my bedroom.
I wasn't in the mood to eat, or do anything else for that matter. Soon after lying in bed, I was consumed by darkness.

Just to let you guys know, this story will end in a couple more chapters ahead. Thanks for reading!

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