Chapter 3

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Danny's pov

The next morning I was woken up by my annoying alarm. Getting out of bed, I walk over to my dresser to get my clothes for work.
I get dressed in a pair of skinny jeans, a light blue jumper with a small mickey mouse head and the words 'NEVER STOP DREAMING' writen in black, some black socks, and a pair of light blue Toms. I decided to wear mickey mouse earings, and do a simple braid with my hair. After brushing teeth, I was finally ready to begin my journey to work.
My job was as a cashier at a small music shop a few blocks away from where I live. I loved working there not only because I love music, but because it was peaceful there.
The manager was nice which was a huge plus, seeing as she's one of the few people that I got along with.
Opening the door of the music shop made a small bell ring signaling that someone had entered.
"Danny is that you?!"
"Yeah it's me Em!"
Emily was twenty two which made her four years older than me. She had shoulder length blonde hair, and chocolate brown eyes. She was very pretty in my opinion.
Sitting down at the cash register, I listen to the soft music that always plays in the background of the store.
Soon enough someone stepped inside.
"Hi! Welcome to Musicals!"
Looking closer I see that the person looks a lot like Alex.
Turning around to make eye contact, I see that his eyes are a beautiful sea green that goes well with his honey blonde hair.
"Hey! Your looking up! See I told you that you were handsome."
He then looks back down again.
Do my eyes deceive me, or is Alex blushing?
"Aww. Come on! Don't look back down!"
Slowly he begins to look back up.
His lips then spread into a small smile.
"So do you need help finding anything?" I ask.
"No. Not really. I just came to look around."
"Ok. Well if you need help with anything, I'll be right here."
While he was looking around, I reviewed what I knew so far about him.
-He's shy
-He's clumsy
-Has sea green eyes
-Has honey blonde hair
-Really tall. Estimation of about six feet.
That about sums up the things that I know about him.
You're like a freaking stalker!
I know I am.
I was taken out of my thoughts by Alex who had placed a cd in front of me.
"Is that all?"
Scanning the cd, I give him his total.
"That will be 5.99 please."
Handing me a ten dollar bill, I cash it in, and give him his change. Before I gave him his receipt I quickly wrote my number down.
"We should hang out sometime Alex."
Next fact:
-He stutters when nervous or embarrassed.
Please...just stop acting like a stalker.

Quick question. Who do you think is the fallen angel and the human?

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