Chapter 7

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After work I went to the store to buy more food before heading back to my apartment.
It wasn't even 5 minutes when a knock at the door was heard.
Opening the door I see Alex, but he seemed a little shakened up.
"Hey Alex? Are you ok?"
"Umm...can I come in?"
"Yeah sure. I'll make some hot chocolate if you want?"
Once the chocolate was made and we were on the couch, I decided to ask him my question.
"Alex? Can you tell me what's wrong? You seem a little shaken up."
"Promise not to think I'm crazy?"
"Why would I think that?"
"Just promise."
"Ok. I promise."
" this morning after I got dressed, I went on my usual walk around the city, but I had this feeling that something bad was going to happen. I didn't think it was important, so I just ignored it.
While walking I passed down an alley when a hand came, and pulled me in. There was this huge guy pointing a gun at my head, and he was going to shoot me if I didn't give him all my money. I didn't have my wallet on me because I don't usually carry it around when I'm taking walks. When I told the mugger this, he threw me on the ground, and he was going to shoot me! I was waiting for the blow, but it never came. When I opened my eyes I saw someone fighting the mugger, but the strangest thing was that this person had wings! Wings!"
He paused to run his hands through his hair.
"Soon the mugger ran away, and this stranger asked if I was ok before taking off in the sky. They also had voilet eyes that looked like they were glowing! I couldn't tell if they were male or female though. I'm beyond confused Danny."
"First thing you need to do is calm down Alex. Take deep breaths."
Nodding his head he begins to take deep breaths to calm himself down.
"I'm not saying that you're crazy, but don't you think that maybe it wasn't real? Maybe your fear was making you hallucinate?"
"You-you don't believe me?"
"I didn't say that Alex."
"You're implying it! You don't believe me!"
"Alex calm down. I never said that I didn't believe you." I say slowly getting up.
He stands up abruptly.
"I knew you wouldn't believe me!"
He begins to walk away, and before I could follow I heard the sound of the front door slamming shut.
Let him cool off. His confusion and fear is clouding his thoughts.
Sitting back down and waiting for him to cool off was my only option right now. Hopefully he won't take long.

Time Skip Two Weeks

Apparently Alex takes a long time to cool off.
We didn't see eachother for two weeks, and I missed his company. He was my friend, and it was a little lonely.
We only knew eachother for three days, yet it didn't seem that way.
Ugh. Stop thinking about it. It's only going to make it harder for you.
I still want to see him though. See how he's doing.
Then go visit him.
What if he doesn't want to see me?
Just decide what you're going to do.
"Hey Danny...are you ok?" Emily says.
"What? Oh, yeah I'm ok. Just thinking."
"Well do you want to talk about it?"
"Sure. It's just two weeks ago Alex and I were talking about something that happened to him, and I said something that made him upset. When he left I just decided to let him cool off, but he hasn't talked to me since. We've only known eachother for three days, but it's a little lonely without him around."
"I think that maybe he's cooled off by now, but doesn't want to face you because he might think that you're mad at him."
"You think?"
"Go talk to him after work. Maybe that's the case."
"Ok. Thanks Em."
"Anything for you Danny. You're like a little sister to me."
It's decided. I'll talk to Alex after work.

I don't have anything important to say at the moment, but comment!

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