Chapter 5

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Once we reached my apartment complex, I see a look of shock cross Alex's face.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Nothing. It's just that you live in the same building as I do."
"Then how come we've never bumped into eachother?"
"I don't know. What's your apartment number?"
"Mine's 267!"
"Wait...we're neighbors?! And we never noticed eachother?!"
"That's weird."
It was indeed weird that we lived next to eachother, but never took the time to notice.
After our discovery was made we entered the building, and walked to my door.
"If you want you can go change into something more comfortable?"
"Sure. I won't take long."
"Ok. When you're done just walk in."
Entering my home I take my jacket off, go to my room, change into a black t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants, go grab some snacks from the kitchen, and head over to my living room.
I begin to put everything on the table when I hear the door opening and closing.
"Over here!" I shout.
Stepping into the room dressed in a black t-shirt and a pair of gray sweats was Alex.
"Dude you have to stop stalking me. It's getting weird." I say.
"It's not on purpose!" he replies.
"I know. I'm just teasing. Let's get this movie night started!"
"Wait. Don't you have work tomorrow? I know I don't, but what about you?"
"I have a late shift tomorrow."
Nodding his head, he sits down on the couch.
"So what movie do you want to watch? I have most of the Disney movies, Grown Ups 1&2, and...that's pretty much it. I don't watch much of anything."
"I'm good with Grown Ups."
"Ok and feel free to pick any of the snacks on the table."
Popping the movie into the DVD player, I go sit down on the couch with Alex. There was some space in between us, so we weren't close to eachother.
We laughed and said a few words while watching different movies. Sometimes we would throw popcorn at the tv screen while shouting at the people in the movie. Not like they could hear us though.
"What movie do you want to watch now Alex? Alex?"
Looking over at Alex I see that he had fallen asleep.
Checking the time on my phone I see that it was around ten.
"Wow. Guess I lost track of time."
I went to grab a few blankets before heading back to the living room.
I covered Alex in a blanket to prevent him from getting cold, and decided to sleep on the other end of the couch to keep him company.
I then slowly, but surely fell into a deep slumber.

Alex's pov

I was woken up by the smell of bacon and eggs, which was weird since I live alone.
Wait! I live alone!
Sitting up as fast as I could, I look around to see that I wasn't in my apartment.
I follow the smell of eggs and bacon to the kitchen where I see Danny humming to herself while cooking.
Then I remember that we had had a movie night the day before.
"Good morning sleepy head! How did you sleep? I hope it wasn't bad."
"Um, good morning Danny. I slept fine thank you. What about you?"
"Eh, I woke up pretty early so I decided the make breakfast. Hope you like eggs and bacon."
"It smells delicious." I reply.
Soon we began to eat and make small talk.
"Sorry for not waking you yesterday when you fell asleep, it's just you looked tired, and I didn't want to wake you up to go to your apartment."
"It's fine. It was very kind of you, so thank you."
"No problem."
There was a sudden silent moment. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't a comfortable slience either.
Danny looked to be in deep thought.
Soon I broke the silence.
"Last night was fun."
Pulling away from her own thoughts, Danny then replies.
"Yeah. It was fun."
She then gives me a warm smile that I then return.

Being honest I should be doing my homework right now, but I needed to update because I haven't in awhile.
So here's the new update. Comment if you think something's missing or if you think it's boring. I just need a little bit of feedback. Thanks for reading guys.

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