Chapter 14

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Third person pov

Finally Danny was back in heaven. She was 'home', but she didn't really feel that way. She felt depressed and lonely.
She expected to be full of joy to return, but found herself feeling the opposite.
Many of the angels noticed this new change within their comrade. Her eyes were no longer the bright baby blue they have come to miss, but a dull gray that made her eyes seem lifeless.
She was no longer the rebellious, loud, and happy person that they had once known.
All they saw was a broken angel who was quiet, lonely, and depressed. No longer who she once was.
The head angel decided to see what was troubling this angel, so he began to walk up to her.
"Daniela what seems to be troubling you?"
"Nothing. I'm perfectly fine."
"Child you know that it is a sin to lie."
"I know."
"So will you tell me what's wrong."
"Ok.", she said hesitantly.
It was some time before she spoke, trying to figure out what to say.
"I fell in love with a human.
When I decided to become his guardian, I didn't really care much about him. I was just using him to get back home, but then we became friends. He was clumsy sure, but he could also be kind and generous. It made me fall for him, but then when he found out about everything he couldn't even look me in the eye. I was so ashamed of myself. I had let myself get attached, but even though he might hate me, I will always love him."
Through this, the head angel saw a spark of light ignite in the eyes of this angel.
"Hmm, that is troublesome. Do you really love him?"
"Of course I do. I've never felt this way for someone. I love how I can get lost in his sea green eyes, the softness of his honey blonde hair. I just love him."
"I see. I'm sure he doesn't hate you. I have to go now, but if you need to talk, I'm always here."
What the head angel didn't notice was that under her breath Danny muttered,
"Oh, he hates me."
The head angel had left, but not because he had to. He left to talk with the boss about Danny. To see if she could be returned to earth.
While this was happening, Danny was sitting on a cloud. From her spot she kept watch over Alex.
Alex was in his apartment, sulking. He was depressed that Danny had left. He lost his best and only friend. The one he had fell head over heels for. The one he wouldn't listen to.
He missed Danny, and everything seemed to remind him of her.
The way her baby blue eyes glowed with adventure and excitement, her pitch black hair that was always in a messy bun or ponytail, and the adventures she would take him on.
Now it was all gone.
Or so he thought.

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