Chapter 13

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It's been a month since Alex discovered my secret. I haven't talked to him since. Everytime we saw eachother at the store, or anywhere else, he would immediately walk the other direction.
I still protected him though. It was my job. I couldn't just stop, but even then Alex wouldn't talk to me. He would just walk away from me.
I would sometimes go flying around to get my mind off of everything, but I had to be careful.
Right now I was just in my living room, sitting on my couch, trying to watch a movie. Key word 'trying'.
My mind kept trying to think of ways to go talk to Alex. I wanted to apologize, to make things better between us, but I doubted that Alex would want to be my friend again.
I had even went to his door, but decided against talking to him in fear that he wouldn't hear me out.
I was brought out of my thoughts by a sudden feeling in my chest. It was warm and welcoming.
I begin to feel something take over my entire body. Afraid of this sudden feeling, I begin to fight it. It wasn't too long before this feeling consumed my whole body.
I had no control of my body. It felt like I was in a cage inside my head. I could see everything, but I couldn't move.
What's happening?!

Alex's pov

I was walking home from work, and the first thing I was going to do was talk to Danny.
Over the month I was able to think about everything.
I realized that Danny wouldn't hurt me intentionally. She just wanted to go home.
She was always kind, playful, and helpful. She always made sure everyone was happy.
It made me remember the day we went to the carnival together. There was this little girl all alone. We learned that she had lost her mom, so Danny insisted that we help her find her mom. She bought the little girl an ice cream cone, and soon after we had found her mom.
In all honesty that just made me love her more. Do I love Danny? I mean sure she's beautiful, amazing, adorable, kind-hearted, and so much more. But do I love her?
Yes I do.
With this new information in mind, I found more determination to talk to Danny. I wanted to apologized to her for acting the way I had that day. I was just hurt by what she did. She didn't trust me enough to tell me.
At least that's what I had first thought. Then I realized that she didn't tell me not because she didn't trust me, but because she must've been afraid of how I would react.
I was close to the apartment building when I saw Danny step outside.
"Hey Danny! I need to talk to you!"
It was as if she hadn't heard me. She kept on walking down the sidewalk to who knows where. I run up to her side, and tug on her shoulder so that she was looking at me.
When I looked into her eyes, I knew something was off.
Her eyes seemed blank. Like there wasn't any life in them. They were a dull blue. They looked lifeless.
Suddenly she turned around and began to walk away again.
In the end I just decided to follow her, seeing that she wasn't responding when I called her name.
Soon enough we had made it to a clearing in the forest.
What are we doing here?
Danny began to walk towards a small crater in the ground just a few feet ahead of us.
Once Danny was standing in the middle of the crater, the clouds in the sky spread out just enough for a ray of sunlight to pass through.
Afterwards Danny's wing sprung out, and I finally understood was about to happen.
No, no, no. I need to talk to her. She can't leave.
"Wait! Danny! Please don't leave. I need to tell you something important!"
Just as I was about to grab her hand, a huge gust of wind had blown me back. This sudden gust of wind had come from Danny when she took off towards the hole in the clouds. Soon she had went through, and the hole had closed up. As soon as it had happened, it was over.
She was gone.

The End.

I'm just kidding! Comment, and thanks for reading!

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