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5 years later

"Hey angel?!"
"Yes Alex?!"
"Where are you?"
"In the kitchen dumdum."
I then feel arms wrap around my baby bump, and a head resting in the crook of my neck.
"Hey angel. How are you and the baby?"
"We're doing ok. Just making dinner."
"Which is?"
"You ask a lot of questions, but to answer your question, we are eating lasagna."
"Mmmm. My favorite."
"Go clean up then."
As Alex walked away I began to think about everything that has happened these past five years.
We got married, traveled around for a while, bought a house, and now we're going to have a baby together. The baby was due soon, and we were pretty excited.
I still had my wings, and would usually fly around for awhile. Alex of course came along sometimes.
"Hey you ready for dinner?"
"Yep. Need any help?"
"No, I think I got it."
As soon as I began walking to the stove, I felt something crawl down my leg. Soon after I felt a surge of pain.
"What?! What's going on Danny?" Alex asks in a panicked voice.
"The baby's coming!!"
Alex quickly picks me up, takes me to the car, and hurries back to the house to grab our emergency bag.
Alex then basically breaks the speed limit in order to get to the hospital.
Once inside Alex frantically shouts,
"Help! My wife's having a baby!"
I was then rushed into a room where ironically, I was calm.
"Angel...are you ok?"
"I'm in a little pain, but for the most part I'm ok. Why?"
"You just seem really calm about all this."
"Yeah, it does seem weird."
Soon the real pain started to happen, and not long after I was ready to give birth. This was sure to take a long time.

Alex and I were soon looking at the small bundle of joy that was found in my arms. Our little baby boy. My little Jackson, and my clumsy Alex right by my side.

Well that's the end of Fallen Angel. A big thanks to everyone who read, commented, and/or voted. Forgive me for taking so long in updating. If you have suggestions or request, I'll be glad to help if I can. Thanks guys!

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