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"Alright, class we'll continue from where we left off, Law, you and your partner can go to that place and start with the basics." Mr. Trafalgar says. Law nods and stands. You blink confuse, but follow him out without question, glancing around as most of the girls give you glares.
"Wow, lucky me getting stuck with Mr. Popular." You comment when you both leave the room. He chuckles shaking his head.
"I don't care for the title, does me no good in class, and all those witches pestering me only proves irritating." He responds.
"I wouldn't know, never been popular." You shrug. He pauses and looks back at you.
"But you are, even the teachers know you." He points out.
"I'm pretty sure that is because I stick out like a sore thumb." You respond with another shrug. He raises an eyebrow.
"It's not that, you could blend in well, but... Your presence is hard to ignore or shrug off." He comments with a slight headtilt. You look at him confused.
"What do you mean? Is that a bad thing?" You ask.
"I'm not sure yet." He admits but meals at you. "But to me it's not bad at all..." He adds leading you up a winding staircase. You shake your head to remove the blush that had came to your lips.
"Where are we going?" You ask.
"I need to stop by my room to the things we're going to need for you first lesson." He says.
"Then where? Why do I have to be taught outside of class?" You inquire.
"To the roof. And it's so you can focus on me and not get distracted by my father's lesson. From what you said you need to start from the beginning and our class is two seasons ahead of that." He informs you leading you into griffon dorm hall it was adorned with brown and gold decorations. Law goes to the furthest door and opens it. "Would you like to sit on my bed while I gather everything?" He peers back at you.
"Sure." You murmur following him in. He gestures to a neatly made bed and you sit down, looking around curiously.
"You may borrow some healing books if you want," He says disappearing into his closet. You hum in response looking at the collection of medical and healing books. On the other side of the room it was arranged to fit workout gear, the only books being about swords and sword enchantments.
"Your roommate and I seem to have something's in common." You comment.
"You like sword enchantments and working out?" He quizzes.
"Kinda. I plan to start training again in a few days once I'm used to this place." You muse. He peers out at you, tilting his head.
"What are you training for?" He asks, coming out with a bag. "Are you trying to join the council?" He inquires and tenses as fire flickers over your shoulders, your face not changing.
"Don't be silly." You hum getting up. "Shall we go sensei?"
"... Yes, let's go." He says and leads you out. He was silent again, all the way up to the roof top. "Here we go.." He sets up, taking out a dryad plant. You shift.
"Why do you have one of those?"
"Dyrad plants are ideal for practicing healing because they're more sensitive than people, if you can heal a dryad, you can heal a person." He says kneeling beside it. "Come here, I'm going to start my lesson."
Law was very thorough with his lesson and explanations. You felt that you were going to learn it well.
"Alright, let's try to heal a simple cut." He says, lightly slicing the plant with a scalpel. You shift and nod, carefully putting your hand over the cut and focusing. A green light washes over the the cut. It starts to seal up, and for a moment you smile, until the cut starts to hiss quietly. Even Law blinks in confusion until a slight flame bursts from the cut. You pull back in alarm and the humanoid plant suddenly sits up shrieking. Law swiftly tackles you away from it as it lashes out screaming.
You look over Law's shoulder at with wide eyes, body moving rather calmly and pointing at it, shooting a fire beam through its head. It falls back at that, body deflating again. You and Law relax, Law looks at you.
"What... What did you do? That dryad was dead..." He murmurs. You blink and shift.
"I-I don't know... Is it possible it was in a coma?" You ask.
"No. I killed it myself, the life essence was drained out for my dads research..." He replies. You look at the dryad again, eyes grazing over the burnt gash that was once a light cut.
"I don't know... I really thought I could do it this time..." You murmur looking down, disappointed in yourself. Law looks at you and shifts.
"If it helps, not even I can animate corpses." He muses. "Maybe if you tone down your power you can heal something." He says touching your shoulder before gathering his things. "Come on, my father will dismiss class soon and I want him to examine it. Maybe he'll be able to tell you what you did wrong." He says. You nod and help him pack.
He guides you back down stairs and to class as the last the of the students file out, most looking at you curiously. Law leads you in and his father looks up.
"Ah, how did it go Law?" He inquires.
"See for yourself, I started how you taught me, and when it came to heal a simple cut...." Law takes out the dryad and sets it on the table. His father looks it over and pauses shifting.
"It appears your offensive magic is so strong it's restricting the healing magic inside you. So when you try to use it, it turns to dark magic, trying to make up the lack of power by using your strongest magic. For most it is shape-shifting magic that is stronger and when that's the case fur will form around the wound when you try to heal it. But with you, the wounds burn and..."
He makes an incision and pauses, looking over at you. "You... Resurrected it..." He murmurs. You shift nervous and look to Law as he looked at the wound.
"I can help her..." Law murmurs suddenly looking at his dad. "She can do it. As long as I keep working with her on it. She'll get stronger. I know she can do it." He says. You blink at Law, feeling a blush build on your cheeks.
His father blinks and smiles softly at him. "Alright Law, best of luck to you ___, it'll be hard, but Law's stubborn so I'm sure he can help you."
Law nods and you shift. "Why... Why are you helping me Law?" You ask.
"Because, whatever you're training for alone, you need to at least know how to heal yourself when you run into trouble." He looks into your eyes. "And I'm going to show you how to do that."

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