Here Kitty Kitty!

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Your third class was potions, you look around and rub your cheek. "What's up?" Kid asks next to you. You blink jumping slightly in surprise.

"Hey Kid, um... Where is the potions class?" You ask him.

"I'm heading that way, come on." He starts down the hall, you step to his side walking with him. "Let me see your schedule," He adds.

"Sure." You hand it over to him before looking around.

"We have four classes to together." He comments giving it back to you.

"Oh good, I'll know some then..." You comment putting it in your pocket. He watches you for a bit.

"Where you from?" He inquires curiously.

"South Town." You answer smiling a bit. He hums with a nod.

"I think Law's from there." He mutters.

"I wouldn't know... My family kept to themselves... I never really met anyone from town." You admit. He raises an eyebrow.

"Recluse?" He guesses and you nod. "Wow... That's not what I was expecting..."

"What were you expecting?"

"A noble. Or a high ranking family..." He shrugs. "You keep me guessing..." You blink and blush lightly at that, looking down.

"Is that a bad thing?" You murmur.

"No, just makes you more interesting." He leads you inside, not noticing the blush that recaptured your cheeks. You look around, finding the lovely, elegant teacher. She offers a soft smile.

"Hello, you must be ___." She greets. You blink and nod offering a slight bow. "I'm Nico Robin, I'll be teaching you potions." She informs you.

"Nice to meet you." You offer a big smile, feeling excited. Ms. Robin was kind of a role model for you. You often read articles about her when ever your dad brought the news papers or magazines in from town. She hums in amusement.

"Why don't you take a seat next to Eustass?" She asks thoughtfully.

"Oh sure." You smile again going to sit down next to him as he raises an eyebrow at you.

"What's up with you? You're acting like most of the girls when they meet Law." He huffs. You blush more at that.

"I-I've always admired Ms. Robin, she's my role model..." You murmur sheepishly. He blinks and shrugs.

"Okay then, makes sense." He pats your head. Something about how he did it made you huff. You look over as blue catches your eye and smile when your roommate spots you. Sabo smiles and waves at you happily. You wave back with a small giggle. Kid raises an eyebrow nudging you, you glance at him and blush sheepishly.

"Anyway, I'm not good with potions, you?"

"I'm probably worse with em," He responds. You both give each other a wary smile as beakers and other equipment appear on the tables.

"So... You want to do the adding on or should I?" You ask.

"You do it." He mutters as Ms. Robin began the lesson. You clung to each word she said, but alas, you didn't have a clue to what she was saying. You glance over at your partner finding him even more lost. He meets your gaze and you both sweatdrop as she ends the lesson.

"Now then, let's get started! I've given you the ingredients and instructions, by sure to follow them precisely." She smiles. You swallow and smile nervously as Kid starts to read the instructions carefully. You follow them just as carefully, pausing when something pink drops into the beaker, making it rattle and shake, your eyes widen and you push Kid back as the beaker explodes, contents getting all over and making you fall on your butt.

"___!!" Sabo calls worried.

"Hey, you okay!?" Kid gasps loudly, making you wince.

"Don't yell..." You pout moving to cover your ears and paling. "AAHH! IT BLEW OFF MY EARS!!" You cry out in alarm.

"Calm down, they've just been magically replaced." Robin says calmly, showing you a mirror. You gap, cat ears flicking about on top of your head.

"W-Why am I cat-person!?" You squeak covering your cat ears. She hums looking at the pink foaming mess.

"It appears someone sabotaged you. Fufu," She giggles lightly.

"That's not a laughing matter!!" You gasp. "Who would do that?"

"Probably the guy you inked in the cafeteria." Kid reminds you and you pale jumping to your feet and looking around for the man.

"I'll kick his ass!" You squeak angrily. Kid chuckles at that, earning a glare.

"My bad, you're just really squeaky when you're mad." He chuckles. You blush and look away, tail smack his cheek. "Calm down kitten."

"Dammit Kid stop laughing!"

"Class is over now, good luck with those extremities." Robin hums as the bell sounds.

"But- Can't you reverse this!?" You gasp, slightly pleading.

"Sorry, it's only temporary," She pets your head earning a purr and a pout. She giggles lightly as you blush and pull away.

"O-Okay..." You sigh checking your schedule as you head out sulking slightly.

"___!" Sabo's call makes you stop and look back. He reaches your side, touching your shoulder. "You okay?"

"I got turning into a cat girl and I don't know where my next class is..." You pout looking down.

"Hey it's okay, cheer up.... You're a beautiful little cat girl, and my potions partner here has class with you next." He tips your chin, offering a warm smile. You blush and look away shyly, blinking down at the short blue nosed reindeer boy.

"Hello," He says slightly nervous. You blink and smile, inwardly gushing at the adorableness in front of you.

"Hi," You smile and Sabo chuckles.

"This is Chopper. Chopper, this is ___." Sabo introduces you both.

"Nice to meet you." You and Chopper say together. Chopper relaxes and smiles at you.

"Come on, let's go to class!" He takes your hand with a hoof and guides you away. You give Sabo a smile and wave as you're led away.

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