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            A hand on your shoulder wakes you slightly, and your eyes ease open to a scarf. Pausing, you blink a few times before you look to his face. "Morning..." You whisper, he nods, helping you out of bed silently. You peek over at Sabo, finding him asleep before smiling a bit and heading out with Dogtooth.

"First we'll get breakfast, then I'll take you somewhere that may help your burns." He decides.

"Alright, thanks." You give him a smile. He just shrugs in response, looking ahead. Soon you both reach the kitchen finding it empty. He makes you a quick and easy meal, bringing you your plate. You thank him again before digging in. After that, you follow him up one of the dungeon towers.

You wince, the veins in your legs starting to burn more. Without warning, Dogtooth picks you up, continuing on easily. "You were going to ask for a break, we're almost there so I'll carry you." He informs. You blink and relax with a smile.

"It's hard to surprise you huh?" You hum lightly.

"Well, I do get surprised, but it's before you can do the surprising." He points out.

"Heh, that's kind of funny to think about that way." You chuckle thoughtfully. He peers at you briefly as frost starts to cover the walls and steps. You look around, skin cooling slightly as you're carried to a icy and frosted door as it glitters lightly. You stare at it in awe, you always did admire ice magic, it's beauty, but you could never get it to work for you.

Dogtooth sets you down and goes to the door, pulling it open. Snow bursts in and you let out a breath, the icy wind wrapping around you and cooling your skin more. "Come before Smoker finds us." He beckons, entering. You swallow and follow after him. He closes the door behind you and you look around the snow covered valleys. You smile and trudge ahead a bit. Your body felt so much better hear, cooling your burns.

He comes to your side, looking around as well. "This is Ice Valley, somewhere here is supposed to be a healing spring..." He breathes.

"Oh? I'm guessing you dont know where though." You peek at him.

"Not a clue," He nods. "We can try to look, it's 'unknown' if we'll find it though." He adds and peers back at you.

"Mmm... This way." You decide, starting off. He walks with you through the snow, navigating around the valley. This place really was soothing. You stumble when your foot finds uneven ground. He catches your arm firmly and you wince at the painful surge in your arm.

"... Sorry." He releases you when you adjust your footing.

"It's not your fault." You offer a smile, looking around again. Something had moved in your peripheral vision. "Dogtooth-"

"I see them." He pulls you out of the way as a massive furry white creature goes past. You swallow, looking back as the boarish face turns on you both, beady blood red eyes glinting. It gives a shrill squeal, making the snow shift. "More are coming, cover my back." He tells you, summoning a green trident to his grasp. You swallow swiftly putting your back to his as three more creatures burst from the snow. You recognized them from the creature textbook but you cant remember what they were called nor what they were capable of. "Get down." Dogtooth orders. You drop to your knee as he swings the trident broadly, cutting through the air and the creature's pelts.

They land in the snow, but the slash didn't seem to break through their hides. You frown, raising your fists before slamming them into the ground making the earth burst through the snow, striking them and sending them flying. The one in front of Dogtooth squeals and charges. "Move to the left!" He alerts you. You do so as the beast barrels past, that was too close. You glance back, deciding to summon fire to your arm. "No ___! Dont!" He gasps. But it was too late, pain throbbing through your arm as it catches fire. You gasp, swiftly thrusting it into the snow with a whimper.

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