Fire Fight

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You giggle, leaning on Ace as he covers his mouth like a child trying to hold back laughter as a classroom close by breaks into sheer chaos, firecrackers echo the halls from the room. You tug Ace away as administrators start for the room. Rounding the corner, you're collided into by a bigger body and you both fall over. You grunt under them.

"Sorry! Are you-" Rocinante breaks off when he lifts himself off of you, freezing as he still looms over you. You blink up at him and a blush soon covers both of your faces. "_-_-___! S-Sorry! Are you okay!?" He gasps swiftly helping you stand.

"I'm okay, I'm sorry I should've been looking where I was going..." You squeak. Ace raises an eyebrow as you both awkwardly smile at each other and say goodbye before Rocinante departs.

"That's... You have a crush on him don't you?" Ace wiggles his eyebrows making you blush even more.

"N-No! It's just..." You gasp flustered.

"That he accidentally kissed you on your first day.?" He hums titling his head.

"A-and... That was my first kiss..." You whisper not looking at him. Ace pauses and chuckles hugging you.

"That's so cute!" He laughs and pats your head. "Don't feel too bad, I've never kissed anyone either." He pulls back giving you a smile. You blink and smile a bit as the bell rings.

"Well, see you later Ace." You tell him, giving a wave as you head to Mihawk's classroom. You were excited to be honest, eager to see what qualified to be battle Magic. Reaching the giant room you smile more finding it to be like an arena.

"Do you like what you see ___?" He rumbles next to the door. You look back at him and give a sheepish chuckle.

"It's even better than I hoped." You admit as he comes to your side. He smiles placing a hand on your shoulder.

"If my actions overwhelm you please let me know. I'm just eager to help you become stronger." He breathes. You blush lightly and smile more.

"I'll take whatever you got Mr. Dracule!" You chime.

"Good.. I'll be putting you up against the top fighter in class today, good luck." He chuckles. You blink in surprise and smile.

"Yessir." You hum as students file in. You spot Kid as he comes in, he gives you a wave as he comes over.

"So, what are we working on today teach?" He rumbles to Mihawk.

"I'll decide after your match with ___." Mihawk replies. You and Kid pause, sharing a look.

"I'm not going to lose." You both huff. Kid's eye twitches and you raise an eyebrow. "What did you just say?" Kid says at the same time as you. You glare at each other competitive and Mihawk sweatdrops.

"This is going to be a long match..." He mutters walking off.

The next bell rings and Mihawk ushers everyone to the stands, you and Kid face off in the center of the room.

"You're going down." You both declare cockily. There's a pause and you glare even more becoming annoyed.

"Alright you two, only magic attacks." Mihawk reminds you both, giving a slight sigh when neither of you respond. "Alright, begin."

The word had barely left his lips when two powerful fire spells collide with each other causing an explosion to buffet the people in the stands. You grit your teeth, kicking the ground and making the ground jut up and hit Kid sending him flying back a bit. He growls getting to his feet as you rush at him with a fire blade on your arm.

There's another fiery pulse as your magic collides with his again. He knocks you back and skid over the ground as he summons metals to his arm. Your eyes narrow as he smirks cockily.

"Let's see how you do now." He rumbles as he forms a giant metal arm around his.

"Don't look down on me Eustass." You scoff lunging at him again. He swipes the metal arm at you and you swiftly jump onto it, running up the shifting metal at him. He growls firing a blast at you. You spin off and land making a pillar of earth curl out of the ground and pin his metallic arm. You grin at him and make another rock jut out to hit him. He hits it with an explosive spell and you frown flipping out of the way as the metal arm comes apart.

You flip back as they fly around you before starting to form some circular shape, a fiery orb building in the center. You were baffled, eyebrows raising.

"What the hell is that?" You huff. Kid grins at you slightly crazed and proud.

"A cannon." He rumbles as it glows more. Your eyes widen, swiftly bringing up an earth shield.

"Come on.." you growl trying to make it dense as possible just as fire blankets your shield. You wince from the hit removing your cloak and letting it get sucked into the fire as your mind scrambles for an idea.

Kid hears something crumble and stops his cannon to see your shield crumbled and melted. Ashes drift down near it. Kid pauses, raising an eyebrow.

"KID!!" Zoro shouts getting ready to jump down but Mihawk stops him.

"That can't be..." Kid mutters swallowing and looking around carefully. The earth beside him suddenly explodes as you leap out from under ground at him with a fiery fist, eyes glowing slightly. But before you hit him your magic drains and your fist connects with his jaw. Kid staggers in surprise.

"___, you're disqualified due to a non magic attack." Mihawk rumbles.

"Fair enough..." You manage in an exhausted daze before falling over.

"Shit..." Kid mutters falling back, rubbing his cheek. "That hurt."

"Your fire ate the cloak my dad got me..." You grumble in response. He shifts and frowns.

"I'll give you one of mine." He assures. You sigh, closing your eyes, that last earth spell really did a number on your magic.

"Really going to have to work on that..." You murmur, "I could've done it..."

"Don't worry, you'll get stronger, I'm pleased with your fighting." Mihawk tells you, making you open your eyes and blink up at him. He smiles and kneels beside you. "Can you stand?"

"Of course I can... Give me a minute..." You breathe.

"You really gave me a scare, Luffy would've been upset if you got turned to ash." Zoro rumbles kneeling on your otherside. You sit up with a smile.

"I like him too." You muse getting up rather shakily, looking over as Kid's masked friend helps him up.

"You two melted the chandelier." He chuckles. You and Kid look up as gold drips off the chandelier.

"That was him/her." You and Kid huff, there's a pause. "Stop saying everything I say! Do you wanna fight punk!?" You snap at each other. Zoro chuckles pulling you back as Killer does the same with Kid.

"Easy there hot head." Zoro breathes.

"Pay attention, we'll begin class now." Mihawk rumbles in amusement.

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