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"Wow..." You blink at the crowded room in surprise. Law peers over your shoulder.

"Looks like they were waiting for you to finish our lesson." Law comments.

"___! I saved you a spot on your bed!" Luffy pats beside him on the bed.

"Hey, you got a partner for tomorrow?" Zoro asks from where he lounged on the window seal.

"Not yet." You admit.

"Then you and Zoro should partner up." Ace pipes up from where he, Sabo, and Drake sat on Sabo's bed.

"Sure, sounds like a awesome match up." You smile at Zoro.

"That's good, I'm glad you got a partner, see you tomorrow." Law turns to leave.

"Aren't you going to listen to her read Law?" Luffy asks.

".... I'm sure ___'s tired of my presence." Law shrugs, not looking back. You frown at that.

"What are you talking about? I like having you around, you're a cool guy." You huff. Law looks back in surprise at that.

"Alright, I'll take the couch." He says going over and laying down. You smile closing the door before grabbing some clothes to change into. You go in and change clothes before going back out and getting comfortable beside Luffy as he hands you the journal. You open it, and smile at the handwriting.

"The Hedion Mountains is home to many terrifying creatures, but at this point, I didn't give a damn, I had to find the golden eyed man..."

The cave was ice cold, but maybe that was because the walls were covered with ice crystals. Why someone would live in these mountains was beyond him. He walks down the dark tunnel, his familiar's glowing scales lit it some what as it moved ahead. "Should have brought another coat Zig, damn cold." He grumbles.

His lightning dwarf dragon looks at him and huffs, sparking a bit. "That won't help my small friend." He chuckles peering around as the sparks lit the caves more. "Looks like its up ahead." He nods. The dwarf dragon scampers on ahead, sniffing at the air. Zig clicks his tongue, signaling his master that someone was near by. He moves beside Zig as someone comes into view.

"I've been expecting you Dark Dragon." The golden eyed man greets.

"It's been a long time, Dracule Noctis." He grasps forearms with the man.

"Come old friend, let's speak." Noctis leads him into a roomie and warm cavern.

"Do you seriously live here Noc? Isn't this bad for your kid?" Dark Dragon doesn't miss the crib rocking near the fireplace. Zig goes to the crib, peering at the baby within. "Zig... Don't..." Dark Dragon sweatdrops as the dwarf dragon crawls into the crib with the baby.

"His listening skills match his Master's." Noctis rumbles.

"Shut it. He just likes babies, wouldn't leave my son be until..." He looks down. Noctis frowns as he starts to shake. "They've taken them away because I would not do as they wished... They only take and betray others... And for what? Power?" He looks into Noctis' eyes. "No more... I'm going to wipe out all of them. They will regret the day they came to me. I'll destroy them all."

"Noctis?...." Law echoes, making you look over, everyone else had fallen asleep. Luffy hugged you, cuddling into your side with a hum.

"That's what it says." You tell him with a smile. Law shifts looking at the journal you had closed.

"As in the Rebellions Strategist Dracule Noctis?" He asks.

"Yes.... Are you okay?" You tilt your head. He rubs his cheek watching you.

"Where did you get the journal?" He inquires. You just smile at him.

"Go get some sleep Law." You murmur before turning to Luffy. Law blinks and stands coming over and leaning over you.

"You interest me more and more each day..." He whispers, fingers brushing over your cheek. You swallow, looking up at him with a blush.

"Go to your room Law." Sabo murmurs watching from where he sat with Drake and Ace passed out on either side of him. You blink at Sabo and Law chuckles walking to the door.

"Keep a good eye on your roommate Sabo, she may be snatched up." He says before going out.

"You're still awake?" You raise an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah... You mentioned a dragon so...." He looks to the side with a light blush.

"You're so cute Sabo." You giggle lightly. He blushes more and chuckles sheepishly.

"But really... That's an interesting journal, I can't wait to hear more." He says.

"Well, if things keep playing like this... You'll hear more tomorrow night." You giggle cuddling Luffy.

"I look forward to it." Sabo smiles.

"Hey, wake up partner." Zoro nudges you, but you and Luffy whine in protest, holding onto each other tighter cuddling more. Sabo chuckles lightly while Zoro and Law frown at you two.

"___." Law prods your side, making you squeak and curl up more into Luffy. Law blinks, sharing a look with Zoro.

"That was cute..." Zoro whispers.

"Alright you guys, I got this." Ace holds up a firecracker. They pale at that.

"That's too much Ace..." Zoro says carefully.

"I think the last thing you want to do is startle ___." Law agrees. Ace pauses and shifts recalling the spider forest.

"Right... Luffy, breakfast." He says loudly. Luffy sits up, fully awake at that, still hugging you.

"Let go of my partner already." Zoro sighs as you finally wake up and yawn. Luffy grins at you and puts all his weight on you making you fall over with a giggle.

"Luffy!" You giggle as he cuddles his cheek against yours.

"Good morning ___!" He chuckles happily.

"Good morning Luffy!" You blush.

"What are we? Chopped liver?" Ace scoffs.

"Good morning everyone!" You and Luffy chime.

"Alright you two, first things first. Let's go sign up for dungeon one, then breakfast." Sabo grins.


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