The Spider Queen

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You and Ace ran through the woodland path side by side. The only sound came from your and his footfalls. This made you wary, glancing around. "Spiders Huh..." You breathe.

"Yep. But luckily they don't like fire." He smiles a bit crazed.

"Alright, just don't char the queen." You hum with a smile. He lights up at that.

"Awesome, come on out ya bastards." He starts throwing fireballs. You smile more focusing on the path again and briefly pausing hopping to the side as a giant orb of water lands on Ace. You blink as it pops and douses the fires.

"... I guess Mihawk didn't like that very much.." You comment as he pouts. You pat his back and he relaxes with a sheepish smile.

"My bad, you're the one he wants to see in action. I'm just your back up." He rumbles. You blink and giggle lightly.

"Ah... That's gonna make me self conscious..." You muse sheepishly. He watches you curiously at that, reaching over and petting your head.

"Lead the way kitten." He teases lightly. You blush lightly, pushing him playfully before looking around carefully.

"Over there, they generally like to colonize near the trees like that one." You nod. He blinks and nods in approval, so you lead him off the path through the trees toward the massive tree you had pointed out. You venture deeper into the dark forest. Ace was right behind you looking around carefully.

Fire flashes out, killing a giant spider that crept toward you. Ace blinks in surprise, looking at you as you glance at it lowering your finger. "Nice shot..." He breathes quietly. You give him a slight smile before continuing.

"You know I heard that queen spiders sometimes target men. Because men have a certain taste that they like. So what they do is-"

"Please dont..." Ace says nervously. You glance back.

"Sorry... I'm bad at starting conversations..." You murmur.

"That would've been a good one if we weren't in a spider infested forest." He assures looking around carefully and pausing when you kill another spider. "How do you keep doing that?"

"I'm honestly shooting whatever moves wrong in my peripheral vision..." You respond. He blinks and carefully steps closer to your back to avoid your peripheral. More spiders were begin to scuttle from the woodwork. You shudder starting to shoot as many as you can as they begin to flood the area. Ace does the same but it was having little affect. You step back into Ace and release a discharge of fire magic clearing the area.

"What was that?" He huffs.

"Fire discharge. Let's go, the faster we kill the queen the faster we can get out of this place." You tell him rushing forward. He follows swiftly looking around as the forest becomes filled with spider webs. You soon jerk back shuddering.

"Ugh.... That's it...." You breathe holding up your arms. "Heat wave!" You bring your arms down as red ripples out, melting everything to the ground up to the main nest. You relax strolling ahead while Ace gaps at your back.

There's angry hissing all around while you reach the main nest. You look up calmly as the queen lowers herself, flashing her fangs as she hisses menacingly at you. Your cloak drops to your feet as a enchanted fire blade forms on your arm.

"If you're so pissed about it then come on." You huff widening your stance a bit. She shrieks in response and spiders flood in all around you. You look around carefully making sure Ace was right behind you before making a ring of fire build around you both spiraling faster and faster building up swiftly. You look up at the queen and stomp your foot causing earth to spike out making a ramp for you to run up and leap at the spider queen, spinning about as the fire blade easily slashes through her neck.

Grabbing the web like mass of hair you land dispersing the fire ring. "Time to run!" You gasp running to Ace as the spiders shriek all around you. He blinks and nods running with you through the forest as the waves of large spiders chase after you.

"They're gaining on us!" He looks back. You smile a bit.

"Good thing I snuck this out of the pro closet." You hum taking out the bomb shaped firecracker. Ace lights up and grins taking it and lighting it tossing it over his shoulder as fireworks and fire erupted from it dispersing the spiders. Some spiders started to spaz out to escape the chaotic fireworks. You and Ace look back laughing together with grins.

"Awesome!" Ace chuckles.

"I new it would come in handy!" You giggle. You both reach the door and burst out of the dungeon, closing the door and sliding to the floor still laughing together.

"Well I wasn't expecting you both to come back laughing." Mihawk comments.

"Her head as you requested." You hold it up. He smiles and takes it.

"Well done... I'll plant this in Shanks' room for embarrassing you earlier, he's terrified of them.... You have half of a class to do whatever you want before my class. Enjoy it. You've earned it." He rumbles strolling away. You relax grinning to yourself.

"So, what do you want to do?" Ace asks curiously.

"I don't know... Wanna go prank some people?" You inquire.

"You're a lot of fun you know that?"

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