Taking A Break

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He found you pacing in the hall. "___--" You hold up a hand.

"It's okay, don't apologize. Don't stop. I need you." You tell him. Doflamingo pauses in surprise, pink invading his cheeks.

"Come again?" He requests.

"I need this... Rivalry. You push me, and I'll get stronger. I need you to push me." You turn to him and smile. "So bring it on Doffy, I'll take whatever you got... However, if you ever make me eat one of those damn cookies again.... I'm gonna kick your ass." You inform him. He takes a few more moments before grinning.

"The more we interact the more you remind me of that monster... Alright, I'll be that guy since you yearn for it so badly... Too bad, I would've enjoyed you falling for me." He tips your chin. You pull back with a chuckle.

"I'm still not sure what exactly that is but... Shit happens." You shrug before heading back to the cafeteria. You run into Rocinante on the way back and he looks away blushing. You frown touching his arm. "I'm sorry for my behavior... Please look at me." You murmur. He blinks and shyly looks at you.

"No, I'm sorry... I know that wasn't you. I'm just... I don't know what to do in these situations..." He responds quietly. You smile a bit.

"Me neither... But I think this is fine." You murmur giving him a slight hug. He blushes and carefully hugs you back.

"Me too... See you around." He breathes as you pull away.

"You too, see you." You smile before going back to the table.

"Are you okay my dear?" Mihawk inquires with a frown.

"Just embarrassed by my behavior... I'm sorry for... Making you uncomfortable." You look down rubbing your neck. He blinks and cups your cheek.

"I wasn't uncomfortable, I just prefer to make the first move. And I rather not have a cookie influencing your affections." He smiles softly before walking out. You were frozen in spot blushing heavily. What.... What just happened?

"What the hell..." Kid and you mutter together.

"I believe ___ just got her first confession." Law chuckles getting up and nudging you. You blink at that.

"And by Mr. Dracule no less." Drake comments standing.

"I have no idea what's going on today... I need to take a walk..." You sigh putting a hand over your eyes.

"Skipping the next two classes?" Law asks you.

"Yeah, I need to work out somethings anyway..." You shrug, "See you after last bell Law, and Luffy see you after that." You give the Hydra representative a smile before heading out.

Roaming down the hall, you peer around at the living paintings as you pass trying to clear your head. You needed to find a place to start extra training. "Shouldn't you be heading to class ___?" You glance back as Smoker approaches you.

"After what I went through today, I've decided to skip my two other classes and find a place for training..." You turn to him.

"The training room is over there." He points to the double doors but you shake your head.

"I... Don't want others to see..." You rub your neck looking to the side. He watches you for a moment or two.

"Alright, I think I know the place, come on." He takes the lead.

"Thank you but Uh, shouldn't you be heading to class too?" You ask him tilting your head.

"I'm done teaching for today, I only have four classes." He shrugs, peering back at you you. "Isn't this your first official day? Classes take a break while the dungeons are open... They open tomorrow and stay open for three days," He reminds you.

"I'm aware of that... But I don't have a partner yet." You tell him as he leads you outside, stopping at the forest. You blink up at the massive trees and vegetation.

"I'm sure you'll find this training area to your liking.... As long as you don't get lost or hurt during your training." He says. You smile widely and look at him.

"It's perfect, thanks." You tell him cheerfully. He smiles and nods.

"Any time, now go find yourself a partner for tomorrow." He nudges you.

"Right." You hum before heading back inside. You pause looking around, but who will be your partner?

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