letter 2

25 1 0

Dear friend,💚

How are you ? I'm a mess

I've tried texting you, you didn't respond for a while, you finally did today, but only for I little bit, you said you would txt me later but you didn't, I was and am still waiting, oh how i wish i could talk to you about school and such, like today,saw another friend at school he was smiling and happy, then he saw me, and his smile faded, it dropped my mood so much, I was wondering what I did wrong , if I had hurt him or something and if I did I'm oh so very sorry, I don't wanna hurt anyone *sigh* I guess I'll never know, he rarely talked to me now anyway... I wish you where here so I could rant about school, your fourteen years older than me so you've already gone through all the drama, god I just wanna get it over with, ya know, the only times I'm calm any more is when reading or in art classes focusing my mind on something hella less stressful, I miss you, I wish you could come back until next time💚


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