letter 10

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Dear friend,💚

How are you? I'm a mess

You've shown up at the house today, you where getting a few items of clothing , you where smoking outside oh dear that terrible smell that im oh so familiar with by you, you look so different, it scares me, you asked if I wanted to help you get some of the cloths I agreed but I was silent, I asked for a few jackets, of witch you said yes after you where don't looking through all the cloths, its weird, when you first got here mom told you to talk to me, thinking I wasn't down there, about how I cut cause she thinks its cause of you or worrying about you. But that's not the case , that's not why, and no one really knows why, and I can't really explain it, I do worry though a lot , I never know where you are, or what's happening with you. All I know is its partially not a good thing. I don't get why everyone won't tell me things, I mean sure I'm extremely sensitive but I'm not irrational. I can handle it I'm not a fluffing child. I'm just terrified something terrible will happen to you when I don't know where you are and i won't get to say goodbye, I love you 💚 I hope you realize that, no matter what..
Also another stressful thing, there's this guy that really likes me , but I only like him like a friend , see that's the problem, I know he's a good guy but everyone is practically begging me to like him back otherwise I'm a dirt bag, they they don't understand how big my trust issu3s are when it comes to these things, how will I know that when he gets to know more about me he won't just freak out and hurt me like Nathan did, or not understand like Gemini, I I don't want to hurt him and I'm terrified of getting hurt again, see no ones really thinking about how I'm feeling about all this, its kinda frustrating, they don't know what people have done to me in the past, and I can't really tell them , god I wish people would think more,


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