letter Part 11

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Dear friend 💚🍄,

How are you? I'm a mess,

So I haven't written in a while that's probably cause I've been doing other ish and moving into a new house, that's been fun, ish, but its summer now! So I don't have to go outside every day to go to the buss or something, hehe, but seriously I haven't really been doing well lately, mom took me to the doctors and had me diagnosed with medicine to kind of help with my depression and anxiety, its helping slightly but not really, and I'm really dizzy all the time , its not OK, but I've stopped eating as much as I used to , so I don't eat much, I suppose that's a good thing, a few days ago was almost complete shit though. The morning was good cause I've started talking to Trevor again, so I was talking to him in the morning, but then ish on Instagram just turned to shit with this stupid hacking account , it was like, ugly list of people in 2016 and it was hacking other accounts to tag other people for it and it wasn't OK! It used my account to tag several of my friends without me knowing and about 7 of them started yelling at me telling me horrible things about me , or asking if I thought it was funny, you bet your ass I didn't think it was funny, and with them all yelling at me one after the other , I got a huge panic and anxiety attack that day and just I took a few days off from social media, besides youtube cause I can't live without it, but yeah, now some people I know are just kinda treating me like they don't want me around, and I've been feeling kinda lonely, I mean I'm trying to get better, but still, I won't get better all at once, and then when I try talking to them they just make me feel kinda crazy and make me feel like it's my fault, and bleh, I haven't heard from you in a while, I heard mom and dad saying you've cut off connection with all of us, I seriously miss you, and I just wish you where here, also I've lost hope for most of not all humanity, with killing over 50 people just by being at a gay bar, I its stupid being gay shouldn't even be a problem in the first place ! Honestly, and then there was a shooting of a singer/youtuber when she was meeting with fans after a concert and just uhg why WHY and then people say there's something wrong with the world no wrong there's something wrong with the society we have created and people think well there's nothing we can do but there is and there to stupid to think about what that is and I just , I'm sorry, I've just been really worried lately, I love you, and I wish you were here


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