letter 7

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Dear friend 💚,

How are you? I'm a mess...

I still haven't heard from you, you didn't show up the night that you said, why do you keep lying? It it's pointless to lie, so why do people do it? Idk, it just ends up hurting me more, it sucks because I get lied to all the time by everyone, and with my depression and anxiety, ... I'm kinda afraid to tell anyone how bad it really is, and you would not believe how bad it is , just the thought of everything scarring you, terrifying you, afraid to of getting hurt while it seems im getting beaten very badly even though I'm just beating myself up over it,, I mean i I'm not crazy but, different, ya know?, I'm used to it , being torn down, told I'm noting, that I'm worthless , that I'm in loved,...
I've been told people don't like me because I'm to tense , by Gemini, its lovely!, not really , he said that's why he doesn't like me and I can't imagine why he hates me but idk, because he does hate me , I'm sure of it, but not like I can just stop worrying, can I?!?,
Oh god what have I done? I've made myself out to be like everyone's worried sick mother, and I don't even have kids! Ive just turned 15 , I shouldn't have been worrying like this till now its terrible, its made everyone hate me 💚, what am I to do, ... I miss you so much and I hope your OK, I don't want you to be fine before I get to say goodbye,...


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