letter 6

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Dear friend,💚

How are you? I'm a mess,

What the fluff did you do?!? Mom and dad won't tell me anything and it's pissing me off, they have been texting you all damn day, saying your coming tonight at 7 ,with an officer of some kind, all I heard was that you could be killed, why? Why do people want you dead 💚, what did you do to make it that serious, beings your an adult and I'm a teenager, I worry about you , and what you've done, all I know is the surface, but there's so much more I know everyone is hiding from me, its funny, they have lied to me so many times that I can tell when someone's lying to me now, and well did you know, people lie a lot,... Why do they think its saving someone's feelings? Because it isn't , I want you to be OK... They try and pretend its OK, and when I try and tell my councilor I'm not OK and I need to get better mom just comes in for only my second meeting with him and turned it all to her and her problems, without even letting me finally tell someone how bad it really is. *sigh* I'm not crazy I promise but I just wish that I could controls things ,it might calm me a bit, but it wouldn't work so why even try, I should probably go, I need to read anyway, I guess I might see you tonight then? I miss you 💚 and I know I shouldn't get mad or angry, believe me I'm tying not to, I miss you💚


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