letter 8

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Dear friend💚,

How are you? I'm a mess,...

What the fuck is wrong with me , I'm a idiot, I'm a failure I'm worthless I'm not worth anything, I'm a hopeless case, I hate myself. And people think I say it for attention like, no , I don't

I've been in such a good mood this week as well, and it all gets ruins today, Friday,I just had to start thinking, and people still think I'm fine, that I'm happy, there wrong I'm far from it, I started thinking about Nathan today, its been hell, there all lying to me , about everything , EVERYONE, they don't understand. And I'm scared to tell them how bad its getting this time, I don't think I can turn it off , ...its terrible, things that have happened to me, but I deserve it, I don't deserve kindness or anything like it,... Did you think this way when you where my age ?¿ I mean I'm not trying to kill myself , but, I've stopped caring if I live or not,.. I miss you, please come back soon,... I need you.


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