letter 9

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Dear friend,💚

How are you? I'm a mess,

So as you probably know by now me and Gemini have been having some problems and I didn't particularly know what the heck I did, but I did know it was mostly my fault, well, instead of sorta fighting with him I tried something different, when he told me why its my fault and how he was kinda feeling I attempted to make him feel better! I mean for one part I started talking about me and he blocked me, then I asked him to unblock me because I realized what the hell I was doing (I swear I'm not narcissistic xD) but yeah, I think it worked slightly , or at least I'm making progress for this huge shit storm of a misunderstanding ,
Maybe I should stop saying how I feel I mean no one cares anyway and I'm only gonna get worse either way so why not just start hiding it, I mean I've always cared about him since I've met him, and everyone else I know, but I can't have them worrying about me anymore cause honestly I'm not worth it, I have a deep hatred for myself that I don't think I can fix so why even try any more right? Its just making ish worse, I need to automatically put everyone else before me , I'm gonna try this and see how I do, I miss you and I hope wherever you are, your gonna try and get better , mom and dad wouldn't tell me what's happening because it would " give me anxiety" I mean yeah probably but I care about you as well and I deserve to know right??? ¿


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