part 17

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dear friend💚🍄

how are you i'm a mess

i know your gonna say you went through this as well but i don't think you actually have 💚, my mental state has just absolutely plummeted the past few years to the point where i can't really talk all that well in front of anyone i just feel like i'm suffocating and i can't breath it's ridiculous, i'm seventeen i shouldn't ,

i don't feel like i'm fully here and im terrified , ive had a lot more frequent nightmares when i sleep but they don't go away when i wake up i see and hear and imagine things and am at a mental state of fear and panic no normal person should be at and i'm terrified , i just want to fall asleep without having a weird dream or nightmare , or go throughout the day without feeling like i still haven't woken up , to not see something that's not there or maybe it is there but i don't know the difference because i can no longer tell the difference between the things i see that are real and not , i just want to curl up in a blanket and never wake back up again just for my mind to stop i want everything to stop ,no ones constant mental state would be like this and i'm terrified , is terrified , i'm tired from everything and i don't know what to do


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