Prologue (coming out)

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The night Connor told Tyler he was gay, Connor and Tyler had finished filming two collabs for their channels and had decided to catch a late movie. Connor had planned to tell Tyler he was gay that day, but the videos and the movie had interrupted that plan. He would just have to wait until after it had finished. This did not make it any easier, however. Throughout the whole movie, Connor's only thoughts were centered around what on earth he would say to Tyler when they arrived back at his apartment. He had never had to do anything like this in his entire life, and the pressure was becoming too great.
It was all over too quickly, and as they returned from the movie and entered Tyler's apartment, Connor felt sick with nerves. Apparently more evidently than he first thought, because Tyler looked over at him with a worried expression.

"You okay boo?" He asked.

With that, he couldn't hold it any longer and a single tear rolled down Connor's cheek. He didn't know if he could bring himself to say anything.

"Tell me what's up know I'm here for you."

Connor sat down on the couch and let out a deep sigh. His hands were shaking uncontrollably, forcing him to sit on them. Tyler followed and took a seat next to him.

"I need to talk to you about something..." Connor's voice wavering as he spoke.

"Anything." Tyler replied, clearly concerned for his friend.

"Tyler I-I'm-" He couldn't speak. He took a deep breath and started over.

"You know how you said you noticed I've been acting different to usual? I think I figured out why-I mean, I know I figured out why...ugh how do I put this...I've known for a while-"

"Connor, take a breath and think about what you want to say." Tyler interrupted.

"Sorry. Okay....The reason I haven't really been acting the way I usually do is because...I think-I mean...I know...I'm gay."

Tyler looked at Connor in shock, then confusion, then with a huge smile growing on his face. Without warning, he threw his arms around Connor and squeezed him tightly.

"Congratulations!! I'm so proud of you!!" He squealed into his ear.

Relief immediately settled over Connor and he began to relax. Tears were streaming down his face, but this time it wasn't out of fear or sadness. The feeling of someone finally knowing his secret and supporting him was overwhelming. Finally he wasn't going through it alone.

After the mini celebration had concluded and Connor had had time to fully calm down, he looked over at Tyler seriously.

"Tyler, I don't want you telling anyone okay? You are the first person that I've told and this whole feeling of others knowing is pretty new to me."

"If you don't want anyone to know right now, I won't tell a soul." He replied.

And that was that. Connor had finally come out to someone. The two grew even closer after the events of that night and met up at least once every few weeks to hang out and talk about things. Tyler was the best support anyone could ask for. A few weeks later, Tyler convinced him to come out to his family which was another amazing decision and more weight was lifted from his shoulders. Next up was his other closest friends, but Connor had no intention of that until he had sorted out another secret no one knew. The crush he couldn't shake from his head. 

The boy from Australia.

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