Settling In

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The day arrived and before Connor knew it, he was queuing up for the plane. Tyler had not come along to the airport to send them off, but instead, dropped Troye at Connor's apartment a few hours before they needed to leave. He seemed to have calmed down after his previous outburst, but still hinted disapproval at Connor when dropping Troye off.

"I'm so excited!" Troye squealed as they boarded and took their seats.

Connor requested the window to take photos along the way, snapping the colours of the sky with his iPhone every few hours. Troye was kept busy with his journal and pen, scribbling down lyrics as they came to his head.

"What are you writing?" Connor asked.

Troye immediately slammed the little book shut as his face turned a shade of crimson.

"Oh... It's nothing... j-just some song lyrics I guess. It's nothing special."

"Can I have a look?" Connor perked up. He knew whatever Troye had written down was going to be special. The music he created was magical and mysterious to Connor who always secretly tried to decode each song's meaning.

"Not this one... It's not finished and needs some tweaking."

I bet it's for Tyler... Connor thought immediately. Why else would he be so secretive about it? He's always so eager to show me his work... Connor gave him a slight nod in response and turned back to face the window of the aircraft.

The rest of the journey was mostly silent, however, it was never awkward. Connor was more than happy to sit next to Troye no matter what the situation. They both dozed and watched movies until the plane eventually arrived in Perth.

When they got off the plane, they
were greeted by Shaun and Sage, who helped take some of the luggage and led them to the car.

"I didn't think it would be this warm. I should've worn a t-shirt." Connor laughed, who was dressed in a grey sweatshirt and navy blue joggers.

"That's Perth for you!" Sage added with a smile.

The drive back to the Mellet's house was full of chatter about the past few months and what had been happening in each other's lives. Sage happily let Troye in on Tyde's plans to turn his room into his "DJ room".

They arrived at the house and were greeted by Laurelle. She tightly squeezed both boys and made sure all their luggage was in order.

"It's so good to see you Connor!" She said while lifting a bag from the back seat. "It's not often that we have Troye's YouTube friends here to stay."

"Thank you so much for having me here. I hope I'm not imposing on such short notice." Connor said.

"Oh don't be ridiculous! You'd never be an imposition. Besides, when I heard how much Troye's voice lit up over the phone when he told me about your plans, I couldn't say no."

Connor blushed and looked down at his feet at Laurelle's comment. How could someone be so perfect? Connor was beginning to realise just how difficult this holiday would be to get through without accidentally outing himself.

With the car unloaded and bags brought inside, Troye showed Connor down the hall to his room. There was a mattress placed on the floor next to the bed with fresh sheets tucked in.

"Mum thought it would be nicer for you to share a room. I hope you don't mind."

I don't mind one bit... Connor thought to himself.

As they settled in and sat down on the beds, Connor remembered what Troye had mentioned a few nights beforehand.

"So what's this surprise you were talking about?" He asked.

"Nope, sorry Con. My lips are sealed." Troye said with a cheeky smile. "Don't worry though, you'll find out soon enough."

Connor's face grew into a large grin as the anticipation built up inside him. Whatever Troye had planned, he knew it was going to be special.

- - - - - - - -

After the family had dinner, both boys retreated to Troye's room.

"So" Troye began, "What's been happening in the life of Connor Franta?"

Connor's thoughts jumped to all his conversations with Tyler about his sexuality and coming out. His hands began sweating as he took a deep breath. This was the moment.

"Well actually... There's something I need to tell you about..."

Troye leaned in a little as he spoke.

"What is it Con?"

Connor took another deep breath before speaking.

"" Troye. Friendship. Tyler. Trust. You'll ruin everything... You'll ruin his holiday... He won't understand... He'll hate you... "I-I um... I'm releasing my own Common Culture coffee. I brought some for you as a surprise."

He couldn't bring himself to tell Troye. The fear of losing him was too great. Ever since Connor developed feelings for him, it became more and more impossible to come out to him. How would he possibly explain it? Especially since he told Troye he was straight. Maybe he wouldn't even believe him. What was the point?

"That's awesome Con! I'm proud of you!"

If only that was the answer he'd get if it was about something else....

" I'm feeling a bit jet lagged. I might go to sleep now." Connor was finished with the conversation.

"Yeah I might too. I can't wait for my coffee tomorrow!"

Both boys climbed into their separate beds. While Troye lay and thought about song lyrics, Connor could only think about how much he wished to be snuggled in Troye's arms, softly whispering to each other so no one else would hear them. Only a metre away, yet he was so far from that comfort.

Day one and you're already a mess? Help me Troye...I just want you to understand...

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