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Connor was editing videos on his couch when he received a text from Troye the morning after the collabs.

Troye: Ty found out about our holiday plans...

The dots that signed off the message made Connor nervous. At first he didn't understand what the problem with that could be, but then began to realise what that meant. Deciding to play dumb, he responded as normally as possible.

Connor: Does that matter? :/

The reply was almost immediate.

Troye: Well it shouldn't, but apparently he heard us talk last night. He woke up this morning hungover and pissed off.

Troye: He said something about trusting you not to do anything...can I come over??

Connor's heart was racing. What had Tyler blurted out in his frustration??

Connor: Be here in 10?

Troye: On my way.

Connor was about to put down his phone when it started ringing. When he looked at the screen, he saw Tyler's name light up. He answered it hesitantly.


"Okay, listen here Franta. I don't know if your plan is to steal him from me or just make me feel like shit, but you need to think twice before you get on that plane. I don't care if you go to Perth with him, but if I hear that you two are getting hot and heavy, you can bet your ass I'll be there to set you straight. Oh and speaking of straight, why don't you let him know your little secret before you get stuck in an awkward situation? That's the last thing I want to deal with. Enjoy your holiday! Don't fuck it up for both of us."

With that, the line went dead.

Connor was taken aback. What happened to the kind and caring Tyler who said he'd always be there for him? It didn't seem right at all. Was it jealousy? Surely this wasn't out of the blue. He knew that Tyler got jealous easily, but had never been the reason for it. It was like he was suddenly a different person, and that made Connor very anxious about what he'd shared with him.

He only had to wait a couple of minutes before Troye arrived. As he entered his appartment, Connor noticed that he looked like he'd just gotten out of bed, and by the look on his face, he could tell something was wrong.

"Sorry for coming over like this Con...I just wanted to get out of Tyler's hair for a while."

"What's happened with him?"

Troye's expression was almost blank.

"We had a fight."

From the way Tyler had just spoken to him on the phone, Connor was not surprised. Being careful with his choice of words, he replied.

"What did you fight about? Is everything okay?"

"He's just being a bitch. I don't know what came over him. He was fine yesterday, but after hearing us talk about Perth, he woke up this morning in a shitty mood and started warning me about why it's a bad idea to take you."

Connor's nerves began to rise and his voice became quiet..

"What did he tell you?..."

"All he said was that he didn't trust you. I don't know what that means but as far as I'm concerned, he's just being overprotective."

He doesn't trust you... How could Tyler possibly know about Connor's crush? Was he that obvious around Troye? The Australian boy continued.

"I told him he was being ridiculous and asked why I couldn't trust you, but he said it was not his place to say."

"Look..." Connor started, "I don't want to cause anymore trouble between you and Tyler. Maybe this just wasn't a good idea."

"There is no way you are cancelling on me now Con. All I want is for you to truthfully tell me that he's being unreasonable."

"I guess he is being unreasonable. Why shouldn't he trust me? It's not like I'm going to make a move."

Connor looked him dead in the eyes as he continued.

"I'm straight, remember?"

He stabbed himself in the heart with his own words. He had just lied straight to the face of the boy he loved most, and that hurt.

Both boys averted their eyes before Troye let out a soft sigh and returned to face Connor.

"Connor, you are one of my best friends. I'm not going to let someone else ruin a great holiday."

With the words making Connor feel a little more at ease, a small smile formed on his face.

"Besides!" Troye perked up, "I've already booked something pretty awesome and it can't be refunded."


"You'll love it, I promise! It's a photographer's dream." He winked.

The conversation then turned to more excitement as Connor attempted to guess what Troye was talking about, failing every guess. After getting lunch at a local cafe, Troye decided to head back to Tyler's.

"Everything will be okay, right?" Connor asked.

"Of course. I'm not completely surprised at Tyler's reaction anyway. I'd be a bit jealous myself if my boyfriend was going away with Connor Franta."

With a tiny wink, he simply turned to leave with a smile and wandered down the street, leaving Connor breathless and speechless. He watched Troye round the corner into the next street before turning to walk in the opposite direction.

This boy will be the death of me...

It's Complicated - A Tronnor FanficWhere stories live. Discover now