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Connor woke up to find himself alone in his bed. The door was slightly ajar and could just make out a soft sound coming from the living room. Carefully, he rolled out of bed and put on a shirt before making his way to the door as quietly as possible. He soon realised that the sound was Troye... And he was singing.

"Take me back to the basics and the simple life. Tell me all of the things that- AHHH"

Troye jumped as Connor accidentally knocked over a pile of DVDs that sat next to the door.

"Con! You're up! I was just... messing around with a song." Troye looked awfully embarrassed.

"What's the song?" Connor asked as he made his way to the couch.

"I'm calling it Ease. I've been working on it for a while but the verses are still a work in progress."

"Was that what you were writing on the plane?" Connor asked, interested.


"Can I hear it?"

Troye blushed slightly. "It's not finished..."

"I don't mind." Connor said, reassuringly. He hardly ever got to hear Troye sing properly. He was used to a small hum or a silly voice over Skype.

Troye hesitated before clearing his throat and pressing play on his phone where some simple chords had been recorded. He quietly hummed a tune through the verses before reaching the chorus.

"Take me back to the basics and the simple life.
Tell me all of the things that make you feel at ease.
Your touch my comfort and my lullaby.
Holding on tight, and sleeping at night."

More verses followed as Connor closed his eyes and absorbed the music. It swept him far away where nothing else mattered. When the song concluded, Connor slowly opened his eyes and stared at Troye with amazement.

"That was amazing Tro..." Connor breathed. He had never heard a voice as raw and beautiful as his.

"I wouldn't say amazing, but thanks Con." He smiled. "I'm sorry if I woke you up. I just felt like I needed to work on this for a while. I guess singing just helps me take my mind off things. It's like my own personal therapy."

"Can... Can you sing me another one of your songs?" Connor asked, nervously. He knew he'd never be able to get enough of Troye's voice.

"That's the only new song I've been working on at the moment. I need to find great inspiration to write great music."

That sparked an idea in Connor's mind. "Why don't we then?"


"Why don't we go out and find some inspiration?" Connor smiled. "I think we could both use a good distraction. You can find inspiration and maybe I can take some photos!"

"I'm up for that!" Troye laughed. Seeing Connor so excited made his heart do flips. It seemed as though the events of yesterday had already been left far behind.

"Okay! I'll get dressed and then we can start by stopping off at a cafe! Because, you know... I like my coffee!" Connor giggled and ran out of the room like a 5 year old on Christmas Day. He really did get excited by the little things.

- - - - - - -

"Con, we've already passed 5 cafes. Where are we going?"

The boys had been walking for almost 30 minutes and Connor still wasn't satisfied.

"You don't understand Tro! Coffee is art. You need to find the places that are hidden away to find the best of the best."

It's Complicated - A Tronnor FanficWhere stories live. Discover now