Last Night

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6:58pm. Connor quickened his pace as he rounded the corner and headed to the little cafe that he'd visited with Troye only days before. He knew this was the place he was referring to in his letter earlier that day. As he neared the door at the end of the alley, his nerves began to rise. He had little idea of what he was going to say, or if he'd say anything at all. Slowly, he pushed it open and entered the small room. All the tables appeared to be empty, all except one. A small table in the far corner was occupied by the boy twiddling his thumbs nervously as he looked down at his hands.


Connor cautiously approached the table and pulled out the chair to sit down. The noise startled Troye as he jumped in fright and noticed that Connor was standing opposite him.

"Connor... You came."

"It took some convincing..." Connor said, quietly.

"I'm not surprised after what I.... after what happened."

Neither of the boys could look each other in the eyes. The silence was painful and Connor was lost for words. Troye was the one to speak up.

"Look, I don't want to keep you long. I know that you'd probably want to be somewhere else right now, so I'll start."

Troye looked at Connor, waiting for approval to say what needed to be said. Connor gave a small nod as he looked down at the table.

"Okay, well... Last night I did something I shouldn't have. I'm not expecting you to just forgive me and move on, and I understand if you want to end it here, right now." Troye looked up for some sort of response from Connor to which he received none, so he continued. "Tyler pulled me aside before the party started to get busy. He seemed so... normal, and told me he wanted to have a regular, friendly chat. We talked youtube and music and I didn't think twice when he offered me another drink."

"How many did you have?..." Connor asked quietly. He didn't look up.

"I... I don't know."

Connor shook his head and sighed. This was so unlike anything he thought Troye would do. Suddenly, Connor remembered what Joey had said to him at the party. "Joey told me Tyler had said something to you before you started taking shots last night. He said you were hesitant but he seemed to change your mind..."

Troye's face immediately drained of colour as he quickly shot a nervous look at Connor.

"Don't worry about it."

"Troye, what did he say?"

"Well, he... Um... Mentioned you."

This time it was Connors turn to look up at Troye. He feared he already knew what was about to be said, and he wished he didn't for Troye's sake.

Troye continued, "I was trying to help you... I know how stupid that sounds now, but he was going to tell everyone if I didn't."

"Tell everyone what?..."

"Everything. You're sexuality, you're... Depression... Us..."

Connor stared at him, unable to speak. His thoughts were a blur and he was unable to make sense of them. Tyler blackmailed Troye... Why?

"Why was Tyler making you drink?..." Connor asked.

"After you left, Hannah gave me the bedroom to sleep in. Apparently she bumped into Tyler after leaving the room and he was completely flustered... Anyway, he told her that he thought I'd take him back if I kissed him and realised that I "still loved him". I don't know how the idiot thought getting me drunk and kissing me would change my mind."

"But you kissed him back."

The following silence stung every inch of Connors body as this time it was Troye's turn to be at a loss of words.

"I don't what to say Connor..." He sighed.

"Tell me what you're thinking Troye!! Tell me what you want!!" Connor yelled. He couldn't hold back the tears filling his eyes. "Do you have any feelings for me at all??"

"Con, listen-"

"No, you listen!" Connor cried. "I was so afraid to let myself open up to Tyler and I thought he was there for me at the time I needed him most. He was the person I trusted most when no one else knew what I was going through. I trusted him Troye, and what did he do? He turned on me. He turned on me when I thought I could trust him. Now let me think... Does that sound familiar to you??"
Connor felt anger begin to rise up inside him.

"You can trust me Connor... I'm sorry."

Connor's bitter laugh filled the room. "You really think I can trust you now? How do I know you wouldn't go off and do it again?"

"I was drunk out of my mind and I wasn't thinking straight! I would never try to hurt you like that if I knew what I was doing!" Troye's voice was desperate.

"You know, I told myself before I came that I'd give you a chance. I told myself that things could go back to the way they were before... Now I know I was only fooling myself..."

"Connor I-"

"No. I shouldn't have bothered turning up. Maybe you should just go back to your ex and make out in front of me again. Would you like that?"

"Stop!" Troye yelled, "You don't actually think I want to do that, do you??"

Without giving any response, Connor pushed his chair back and stood up. There was nothing but anger left in his body and he couldn't bear the thought of any further conversation. With one final action, Connor coldly looked Troye straight in his tear-filled eyes.

"You're just like Tyler."

With that, he turned around and walked out the door.

Troye was left alone at the table with tear stained cheeks and a shattered heart. Connor ran up the alley way and rounded the corner onto the main street. He tried his hardest to shield his face so no one passing would notice his own tears. His anger had turned to fear as soon as he had rounded the next corner. What had he just done?... He hadn't expected to get angry at him... He could have listened and worked everything out, and now the possibility of fixing things has flown out the window. He kept running, too scared to turn back and face the path of destruction he'd just caused.


The faint call wore the accent Connor was all too familiar with. Immediately, he stopped dead in his tracks and looked behind him.

"Connor, wait!"


Hi :)

I feel weird that I already have another chapter finished, but hey! This one is a little emotional :')

Please keep letting me know if you're enjoying the story and are looking forward to the next chapter!

ALSO OMG! So I kind of won a competition to see Troye live in a TV performance on the Today Show (Australian morning show)!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED OH MY GOSH!! :D Anyway, that's in about five days! I thought I'd let you all know hehe :)

Bye for now!

- KS

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