Holiday Plans

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Troye and Connor had been sprawled out on Tyler's couch for a couple of hours after finishing their collab. It had been hours of laughs and much to Connor's delight, hours of contact. He wasn't quite sure that the 'Touch My Body' challenge would be a good idea while he possessed such strong feelings for Troye, however he managed to pull off a rather convincing act, making sure not to react too much each time Troye put his hand on him.

The conversation between the boys had soon turned to travelling and Connor had no problem hearing about Troye's love for Perth.

"You know, you should come home with me after my time in LA is up. I mean, we haven't been able to spend much time together while I've been here and you deserve your own holiday once in a while."

Connor immediately perked up at this before realising what he might do to potentially ruin their friendship if the two spent too much alone time together. He shifted his eyes to the floor with a small smile.

"I-I don't want to be a nuisance... I would be intruding on your family. Plus, you and Tyler can have some more quality time together."

The last sentence seemed to slip out of Connor's mouth without thinking about it. He quickly looked up to find Troye blushing slightly at those words. 

"He's not.... He's not invited."

Troye lowered his voice before continuing.

"I love hanging out with Tilly and everything but... Sometimes I feel like he prevents me from seeing other people, you know? Maybe it's jealousy? I've spent most of my time in LA with him anyway and I think I might just need a bit of space."

Connor seemed surprised at this. He had never heard Troye talking about him this way.

"Are you sure he'd be okay with me coming to stay with you? He seems very...protective."

Troye immediately spoke up, almost defensively.

"He can't choose who I spend my time with, besides, a gay boy with a boyfriend inviting his straight friend to stay at his house? He hardly has anything to worry about, don't you think?" Troye smirked at Connor while giving him a small wink. 

Connor winced slightly when Troye mentioned "straight". Even if Troye thought he'd made a strong argument, Connor knew that it wouldn't get past Tyler so easily. But why had Troye looked so smug when he mentioned it? He couldn't possibly know anything... Tyler had promised to keep his mouth shut. Even so, the offer to stay had become too good to refuse.

"Well, how could I say no to that?" Connor giggled as his mood quickly increased.

"Then it's settled!! You can fly home with me when I leave in two days!" Troye shouted as he threw his hands up in the air. 

Troye's yelling didn't seem to disturb Tyler, who remained knocked out on his bed until late the next morning. Troye and Connor spent the rest the day and evening booking an additional plane ticket, ordering too much pizza and excitedly sharing ideas of things to do while back in Perth before Connor decided it was time to leave at 2:00am.

"I'll text you tomorrow to organise how we'll both get to the airport" Troye smiled as they stood at the front door of Tyler's apartment.

"Sounds good to me, Troye-boy!" Connor teased before both waving at each other and sliding into the car. Once out of Troye's sight, Connor let the grin on his face grow. He was going to be spending a few weeks at Troye's house in Perth! All his previous worries about the sudden upcoming trip flew out the window as he blasted the radio and sung at the top of his lungs all the way back to his apartment. 

As soon as Connor rolled into bed, he could only dream about the exciting few weeks ahead.

What could go wrong?

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