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Connor woke up the next morning to find a note at the end of his mattress.

Gone for a walk. Needed to get out for a while. Help yourself to breakfast and coffee. I'll see you soon - Troye

Connor rubbed his eyes as he read. In his sleepy daze, he had forgotten the events of the previous night. Suddenly, everything came flooding back.

"Connor... What is going on?"

"I'm gay Troye."

"Tyler. Tyler's mad because...you're gay?"

"He has NO RIGHT!!"

His head was swirling with thoughts. Troye... Is he okay?... Where has he gone?... What happened after I fell asleep??...

Connor grabbed his phone from beside his pillow and dialled Troye's number. It only rang once before he picked up.

"Hey Con." His voice was raspy through the phone.

"Tro...where are you?"

"I'm at the park, you know, the one down the street."

"I'll be there in a few minutes, okay?"

"Con...you really don't have to-"

"See you soon." Connor hung up and immediately threw on a hoodie over his singlet. He slipped on the first pair of jeans he could grab and was out the door.

The walk to the park only took a minute. When he arrived, he spotted Troye sitting under a tree. He was busily writing in his journal. Connor sat down next to him without saying a word. It was peaceful enough, but both boys had something to say. Troye was the first to speak.

"Did you have breakfast?"

"No. I didn't really think about it after calling you."

Troye sighed as he stared at the scribbled pages of the journal. "That's not good for you."

"What happened after you left last night? You were gone so long and I fell asleep-"

"I spoke to Tyler."


Troye looked up at Connor with a defeated expression before returning his gaze downward.

"I'm sorry Connor. I should have stayed with you to talk things out. I guess my anger just got the better of me. I tried calling Tyler back but he wouldn't answer. Eventually he gave up and I got through, but he was more than upset. I told him to back off and gave him a piece of my mind. He deserved it after being such a jerk..."

"Are you okay?" Connor asked hesitantly.

"I...broke up with him."

"What? Troye, you didn't have to do that..."

Troye sighed again as he put the lid on his pen. "Not to sound rude, but I didn't do it because of you. I'm sick of Tyler thinking he can control everything I do in my life. What happened with you was just the icing on the cake."

Connor sat in silence. He didn't know how to respond. He waited for Troye to continue.

"It was for the best, I guess. He's not happy about it though..."

It's Complicated - A Tronnor FanficWhere stories live. Discover now