Greetings & Collabs

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As Connor sat at the kitchen bench and sipped his coffee, his phone buzzed on the bench.

Troye: Haayyyy! Tyler and I are filming collabs today! Interested in joining?? :)

Immediately, Connor thought back to the happenings of last night. Surely he would not be able to face Troye the day after a dream like that, let alone when he is with Tyler. He knew the two of them wouldn't be able to keep their hands off each other. 

But....Troye won't be in LA forever. He's going to have to leave at some point, and it might be sooner than I think... Connor thought to himself. Maybe it couldn't hurt to see Tyler and Troye together. Maybe seeing them all over each other would remind him that Troye is taken and he needs to find someone else, anyone else. He decided that it couldn't hurt to meet with friends anyway, and even if it was hard for Connor, it would make the fans happy to see a collab.

Connor: Of course! When are we starting?? :)

Troye replied almost immediately.

Troye: As soon as you get here, so hurry up Con!! ;)

Connor didn't want to waste any time. He immediately stood up, put his coffee mug in the sink and made his way to the shower, his shirt already off before he'd made it to the bathroom.

It only took him fifteen minutes to get ready and jump in the car. He could feel the excitement building up inside him. He had seen Tyler only a week prior to today giving more updates on family and secret projects, but Troye had been in Australia for two months and Connor hadn't seen him since the last time he had left LA. There was so much they both needed to catch up on.

Suddenly, Connor's excitement morphed into fear. He forgot that he had been telling Tyler that he finally wanted to start coming out to his friends, and he knew that Tyler would want him to start off by telling Troye, his other closest friend. What Tyler didn't understand was that he would not be able to bring up such a topic with Troye because he might accidentally say something he'd regret. Even if he was to break the news to Troye, he would do it alone when it was only the two of them. 

He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost missed the street. As he pulled up outside, the excitement returned. Forget the negatives, he was about to see Troye again.

He knocked on the door and was greeted by a slightly giggly Tyler.

"Well look who finally showed up!" He smiled.

"I didn't even take that long...Hang on, have you been drinking already?? It's only 11am!"

"It's only for a collab! We started without you!!" He half yelled. "Come here!"

He grabbed Connor and pulled him into a hug. It was always nice seeing Tyler.

They walked through the door into the lounge room to find Troye sitting in front of the camera. He was wearing a child's bib and a rather large hat. He quickly got up and took off his costume before running over to Connor to hug him.

"Don't ask." He said with the same giggle Connor had heard in his sleep."How are you anyway? It feels like it's been forever!" 

His arms were wrapped around Connor, and this time it was real.

"I'm pretty great. How are you??"

"I'm great now!" Troye winked as he ran back to the couch, not realising that he'd caused Connor's heart to skip.

Connor made himself comfortable on the end of the couch, just out of the frame as Tyler and Troye finished off their collab. It turned out to be the "7 second challenge" but with the added twist of drinking every time you couldn't complete a task, and from the way Tyler greeted him at he door, Connor could tell who was winning. 

"If you want to see my last video, click over there. Thank you for being in my video Troye! Love ya heaps boo! Bye everyone!!" Tyler yelled and got up to turn off the camera, stumbling as he did so.

Ugh... Connor thought to himself. Another "Troyler" moment for the fans...  

"Well that was...interesting" Connor laughed.

"It was his idea, I swear!" Troye said in defense, though he was clearly loving it.

"Alright then Franta, you're up!" Yelled Tyler.

"Hey Tro, how about doing a collab with me for once?" 

Troye's face lit up at the idea. "We've never collabed before!"

"Yeah, they'll probably go crazy."

"Because I'm in it!" 

Connor grinned and rolled his eyes at Troye's comment.

"What will we do?" Troye asked.

"Maybe you should let them decide" Tyler said, "they always come up with something fun!"

Connor agreed and took out his phone to post a tweet.

@Connorfranta: filming a collab with someone new today ;) what video should we make??

As soon as he posted it, the comment started rolling in. Some were speculating about who it could be while others gave ideas for the video.

He kept scrolling through until he saw one that excited him a little too much. The 'touch my body challenge'. Obviously it would not be explicit like some of the videos he'd seen, but it would still mean he'd have more contact with Troye.

As he looked up from his phone to tell Troye, he was greeted by the two other boys snuggled up together on the couch and quietly whispering and giggling. Immediate jealously rose up in Connor, though he refused to let it show.

"Ehem. Third wheel needs a collab partner."

Troye struggled his way out from Tyler and joined him while Tyler rolled over on the couch and immediately began snoring. The alcohol was getting to him a little more than they first thought.

"Seriously?? We can't film a video with that hideous noise in the background!" Troye hissed.

"Let's just move him."

They surrounded him and each grabbed one end of his body, slowly lifting him to the bedroom and dropping him on the bed and closing the door.

"Who knows how long he'll be out for" Connor laughed.

"We'd better make the most of it then" Troye smirked back.

Connor immediately averted his eyes, knowing that if he stared at his blue eyes any longer, he wouldn't be able to resist himself. That would mean disaster.

Troye spoke again, "So what's the video going to be?"

"They want us to do the 'touch my body challenge'" Connor laughed nervously.

"Well, let's do it then!"

They sat themselves down in front of the camera and turned it on.

"Hey what's up you guys it's Connor and today I'm joined with a very special guest...."

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