Phone Call

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"Con?... Are you awake?"

Connor rolled over in bed. As he opened his eyes, he was met by Troye who was standing beside the bed already fully dressed. Troye giggled as Connor yawned.

"Wake up sleepy head! I've already made breakfast."

Still half asleep, Connor sat up and looked around. He had had the most amazing sleep ever. Everything the previous night had felt so much like a dream... What if it was just another dream?... Connor began thinking that his mind had got the better of him again.

"Is something wrong?" Troye asked, bringing Connor back from his thoughts.

"What?... Oh yeah. I'm just not sure if I had a dream about something or if it actually happened."

A small smirk grew on Troye's face. "Want to tell me about it?"

Connor blushed. "Well, you were there."

Troye decided it wasn't fair to leave Connor confused. "Did it have something to do with this?"

Quickly, Troye leaned down and pulled Connor toward him, planting a quick kiss on his lips. Troye giggled again when he saw the expression that was left on Connor's face as he stood back up.

"I...err...." Connor mumbled as his cheeks turned a shade of pink.

"Come on! Breakfast is downstairs!" Troye called out as he left the room.

Connor couldn't contain his smile any longer. It was real... It actually happened... Everything had happened so quickly. He had only just come out to Troye and now they'd made out. He wasn't complaining though. He'd kissed Troye. He got up from Troye's bed and put on a shirt and black skinny jeans before hurrying downstairs for food.

The smell of eggs, bacon and toast wafted from the table as he arrived in the kitchen. Tyde was sitting with Troye while they both ate.

"Sorry. I was going to wait for you, but the food looked too good to wait." Connor could hardly make out Troye's words as he spoke through a mouthful of eggs. Connor laughed as he grabbed a plate and sat down to join them. Just as he was about to begin eating his toast, his phone started vibrating in his pocket. He took it out and looked at the Caller ID.

"Sorry, I have to get this. It's my manager." Connor apologised and walked back upstairs as he answered the call.


"Connor! Good to hear from you."

"You too." Connor replied. "What's up?"

"I need you to come into my office tomorrow to check over the final quality of your upcoming Common Culture items. It's the last step before they'll be released and its vital we get it right. What time would be best for you?"

"Tomorrow?" Connor began, "I don't think that will be possible."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm in Perth, Australia..."

"I see... Is there any way you can get back today? I can schedule the meeting late tomorrow and you'll still be able to make it."

Connor looked down at his feet. He couldn't just leave Troye after last night. It wouldn't be fair on either of them.

"Look, I don't think I can."

"Connor, this is important. There's no other day it can be scheduled unless you wait a few more months."

A few months... Connor thought. I've been working on this for what seems like forever. I can't wait a few more months...

"Okay..." Connor began, "are there any seats available on a flight today?"

"There's a plane with extra seats that leaves in 4 hours. Does that suit?"

"Book two seats and I'm there." Connor quickly looked behind him. Troye might not be completely happy about it, but it would be better than leaving him.

"Two? But-"

"Please?" Connor asked. "It would really help me out."

"Alright. I'll send you confirmation through email in a few minutes. See you later."

"Okay, bye." Connor hung up the phone and slumped back down the stairs to the kitchen table.

Troye was now sitting by himself as he scrolled through his phone.


He looked up from his phone and saw the expression on Connor's face. It wasn't the happy face that Connor had had earlier that day. "Is there something wrong? What did your manager say?"

"Well..." Connor started, "he said he needs to meet with me to finalise the new Common Culture items I've been working on before they're released."

"That's great Con!... Why do you look so worried?"

Connor shuffled his feet. "It's scheduled for tomorrow."

"What? But you're here..."

"I'm catching a flight back today. It leaves in four hours..."

Troye stared at Connor. He couldn't just leave, not after what happened. "So you're just...leaving me?"

"No it's not like that Tro-"

"It's fine. It's about your future. It's more important than a tiny holiday." Troye said, disheartened.

"I'm so sorry Troye... I want to make it up to you. I know you might not be able to, but I asked for an extra seat on the plane. I was wondering if you wanted to come back with me to, you know, continue the holiday at my house."

Troye thought for a moment. "I'll have to check with my family, but I want to come. I don't really want to see you go just yet." The wink he sent Connor made shivers travel down his spine.

After quickly recovering, Connor replied. "You're not annoyed?"

"Con... I understand. And if I get to come along, I don't see the problem!"

Connor smiled as Troye turned to find his parents. He went up to Troye's room and packed his clothes back into his suitcase.

Within an hour, Troye's parents had happily agreed, they'd both packed and we're heading to the airport. Once they'd arrived, they checked their bags in and walked to the gate. They boarded the flight before they knew it, and soon they were travelling through the air on their way back to America.

It's Complicated - A Tronnor FanficWhere stories live. Discover now