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"Con?" Troye said, looking up from his toast.


"Remember when I told you I had an awesome surprise planned for us to do back when we were in Perth?"

"The "photographer's dream" surprise?" Connor asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, that. You know I had to cancel it when you got the call to come back here and, well... I might have arranged to do it here instead..."

"Wait... So, you're taking me out?"

"Well, yes." Troye said with a smile.

"Like, on a date?"

"Yes, on a date! I'd like to do nice things for my boyfriend once in a while."

"Well you definitely did some nice things last night..." Connor smirked.

"Oh shut up you." Troye laughed as he poked Connor in the side. "But yes, I'm taking you on a date tonight and I think you'll love it!"

"Can I have a hint?" Connor asked.

"No hints! It's a surprise. Just be sure to wear something warm. We'll be outside until late."


Connor stood in the bathroom and buttoned up the top button of his shirt. As he stared into the mirror, he couldn't help but feel confident in his appearance. He hoped that it didn't look like he tried too hard, but a part of him wanted Troye to notice.

"You nearly ready, Con?" Troye called from the living room.

"Almost!" Connor called back. With one final check over in the mirror, he nodded his head and opened the door. When he entered the living room, he was met with a wide-eyed Troye.

"Wow." He breathed. "You look... Wow."

"You don't scrub up too bad yourself, you know." Connor laughed.

"Ready?" Troye asked with a smile.

"Of course."

Connor grabbed his camera and black coat as they walked out the door and into the cool evening air. It was late afternoon and the sun was still above the horizon.

"We need to take the car." Troye said. "I'll drive because you don't know where we're going."

"You're so secretive." Connor said as they climbed in.

The drive was reasonably short and before Connor knew it, they were pulling up at the edge of a group trees.

"The surprise is through there." Troye said, pointing at the trees.

"You're not going to murder me, are you?"

"No, silly!" Troye laughed. "Come on."

He lead Connor though the trees and into a clearing on the other side. Connors jaw dropped when he saw what was in front of him.

"No.... WAY!"

There, in the clearing, stood a small hot air balloon.

"Troye I... I'm speechless."

Troye smiled as he watched Connor stare in awe at the balloon.

"Shall we?"

"Yes yes yes!" Connor squealed like a small child.

The boys climbed into the basket and the man operating the gas turned it up as they began to rise.

"We're going to see the sunset from the sky!" Connor squeaked.

It's Complicated - A Tronnor FanficWhere stories live. Discover now