Chp. 1

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Hi i'm Rosie Marie Gonzalez. I'm 16 years old and I live with my mother Selena. Shes making me move to my Aunt Marcie's house because she recently found out I was self-harming. Hopefully she will change her mind...

"Mom!' I yelled while tears were forming from my eyes trying to escape. "Honey what happened?" My mom said worriedly. This has been daily routine: me crying my eyes out everyday maybe its best that I  leave I leave I have no friends anyway... "They said I was a whore, slut, skank, and more. I can't take it anymore mommy!" I was shaking really badly at that point. "See this is why you should got to Australia. Honey please I hate seeing you like this. Your barely eating the doctor said that if you dont get out of this depression you're gonna kill yourself." She said with tears in her eyes.

~~~~The Next Morning~~~~

Its my last day going to this horrible school. Maybe today will be different. Yeah right. "Honey.... Honey.... Rosie?!" My mom  yelled. "Sorry but do I really have to go?" I said looking at my reflection in the mirror. "Yes Rosie come on just one more day than you're going to Australia!" My mom said smiling. I know I should be just as excited but i'm going to miss my mom. "Yay?" I sighed. "Go get ready now ok honey?" She said sincere. "Okay."

I went up stairs and went towards my closet. I decided on my light gray shirt that said wilderness on it. I tucked the shirt in my light blue jorts. I didnt decide to wear a jacket knowing it was my last day. I grabbed my black converses and went down stairs. Before opening the door i put my long blonde hair in a side braid. Well here it goes.

~~~~At School~~~~

"Owwh!" I yelled as Destiny punched me in the eye. "You're a worthless piece of shit! No wonder your dad left you!" She said coldly. "Shut up! He died! You dont know anything!" I spat. She kicked me hard in the stomach and then grabbed my hair. "What I heard he commited suicide!" She whispered letting go of her grasp on me. She laughed and walked away. I just sat there thinking what am I doing here? Why am I even in this world? I somehow managed to get up and limp towards the nurse. "Excuse me Nurse Marta?" I knocked on the door lightly. When she looked up her face went from happy to concerned. "Rosie honey what happened to you?" She got up and started treating the brusies on my face. "Destiny..." I managed to say as tears started to pour out of my eyes. " Why didnt you tell us?" She said hugging me. "If I did she and her "crew" would kill me! I may as well say something now that im leaving.." She sighed. "Rosie if you want you can go home now." I nodded getting up. "Thanks." She smiled. I then walked out of the school doors and walked home.


HEYY guys i hope you enjoyed the very first chapter of Love Me For Me. I know it was quite depressing but this is kinda based on my life. I got bullied (never physical) a lot every day and i self harmed. So if you need to talk to me about anything message me. But anyway I hope you enjoyed it. Oh and I will be posting the next chapter tomorrow  ~Brianna xoxo

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