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"Passengers we will be landing in Queensland, Australia in 5 minutes." I woke up yawning. I looked out the window and saw that we were ready to land. I held tight to my seat because the landing was a bit bumpy. Everyone waited in silence waiting for the Pilot to say we were free to get up. I was chewing on the inside of my cheek while looking outside. It was beyond beautiful I wish my dad never got that job offer that made us move so far away. But if we didn't move I would've never met Kailey. "Ladies and gentlemen you are now free to get up. Thank you for flying with Jet Blue."

As soon as I heard that I got up and grabbed my carry on bag. I didn't bother saying goodbye and thank you  to the pilot and the co-pilot. I just really wanted to be on the ground again and see my Aunt Marcie and her daughter Evelyn.

I texted my mom saying I was fine and that I landed. The airport was super busy with people running around and yelling. I saw my Aunt Marcie and smiled. "Auntie!" I said making my way towards her. "Rosie!" She said tightly hugging me. "My look how skinny and tall you've gotten!" She said her eyes shining bright but I knew she was worried about me. "Yeah I've lost all that baby fat." I said jokingly as we walking towards the baggage claim. She laughed "Oh you were such a chubby baby!" I blushed slightly. 

We waited a bit for my luggage and joked around some more. "Is that your luggage?" I looked and saw my cheetah print suitcases. "Yeah." I said as we both grabbed for the suitcases. "Still loving cheetahs I see?" She said examining my suitcase. "Yeah see that's one thing that hasn't changed." She just laughed and nodded.

As we got in the car it fell silent as we listened to Paramore. I looked at the window in awe. I felt my phone buzz against my back pocket. It said that I had one new message and it was from my Mom.

Mommy:): Did you have a good flight?

Me: I guess so... I mean I slept through most of it. 

Mommy:): Well that's nice. But I must be going now tell Aunt Marcie I said hello.

Me: I will. I love you. Have fun at work.

Mommy:): I love you too<3

"My mother said hi." I said breaking the silence. "Oh well tell her I said the same. How is she doing anyway?" She asked without taking her eyes off of the road. "She doing great actually! She wrote her first book and her boss is publishing it." I said smiling. She smiled too knowing how excited I get when talking about my mom. My mom is the one of the reasons why I keep on going.

"Wow that's fantastic." My Aunts face shown happiness for my sister. They haven't talked in quite awhile ever since my father passed away. His death made a huge impact of my family and it was quite hard to bounce back to being happy. "How Evelyn doing? Isn't she dating Greyson Chance?' My cousin Evelyn was a famous model and she was beyond beautiful. "She doing great with her modeling. She signed a contract recently to go work for Abercrombie. Oh and about her and Greyson well they're just the cutest couple ever!" My Aunt said smiling. I wondered if her cheeks ever hurt from her smiling that much. "But sometimes she feels quite pressured to feel perfect." She added.

I sighed into the chair knowing exactly how she feels. "I know how she feels." I mumbled. Hopefully she didn't here that because I didn't feel like explaining my life in Virginia. "What was that?" Shit. "Oh I said that must suck having to deal with that." I said leaning my head against the window. "Australia sure is beautiful." I said as we took the exit that led us to a neighborhood. I could've sworn I have seen this neighborhood before. "Have I been here before? I could've sworn I've seen this neighborhood." She smiled looking at me. "Well a very special lad lives here."

I looked at her confused. "Oh really now?" I said smiling. She probably going to try to set me up with him. "Yeah he's my neighbor and he's very handsome." Okay now I really needed to know. "Okay Aunt Marcie tell me who is this very handsome boy." She glanced at me before speaking. "Cody Simpson."


Cliffhanger!! How are you guys liking the book so far?? I was actually really excited while writing this chapter. My mom accidentally made us miss my high school orientation:( Oh well... I hoped you like the chapter. Remember I post a chapter every day!  ~Brianna xoxo

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