Chp. 46

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Rosie P.O.V.

"Hello?" I asked speaking into my phone. It was about two in the afternoon and Cody left to go get some pizza. I was currently sitting on the bed still in Cody's t-shirt waiting for him to come back.

"Hey Rosie! It's Bella. I need to talk to you about something." She seemed hesitant. "What's wrong?" I started walking around in the room, soon going into the living room. "I'm sorry but since you're making your album, you can't continue being on Cody's tour." I felt my heart sink.

"Oh." I sighed, plopping down on the couch. "Yeah I'm really sorry. It's just with the recording's and since your recording studio is in Los Angeles, it's going to be hard flying you back and forth." My father always said,"Never choose a boy over something that you love doing."

"You're not having second thoughts are you?" She was nervous now. "No no, I'm just thinking about how I'm going to tell Cody." I knew that once I started making my album, I would have less time to see Cody. "Listen I'm sure you'll find a way to tell him." I hope she's right. "What about my photo shoots?"

"I'll just let you have the rest of the week off." A smile spread on my face. "But I have to go now. I'll call you maybe in two days. Depends really if I have the time." She laughed lightly. "Okay well thanks again. Bye Bells." The door opened once I hung up the phone.

"Hey." I brought out the plates placing them on the table. "Hey babe." He kissed me quick on the lips, placing the box of pizza on the table. "What kind did you get?" I opened the box, my mouth watering at the sight of pepperoni pizza. "This is why I love you." He chuckled wrapping his arms around me. "So you only love me because I bring you food?" I laughed, nodding my head.

"Yup." He laughed, kissing my cheek lightly. He handed me a slice of pizza before sitting down. "So um Bella called." I took a bite of my pizza, wondering how I'm going to tell him. I mean it's not really a big deal, it's just the fact that we're going to be miles away from each other. "What'd she say?"

"Nothing really. I mean it was mostly about my album." I looked away from him, my eyes only on the pizza in front of me. "Okay? Clearly something else was talked about." Well, it's now or never.

"I can't finish tour with you." He didn't seem surprised at all. "I kinda figured that." I nodded my head, a silence falling over us. "You okay?" I nodded my head, taking another bite on my pizza. "Come here." He patted his lap, which I gladly accepted.

"We'll text, Skype, and call each other." He kissed my shoulder delicately. "I know." I'm going to miss his touch, the way his lips part when he's fast asleep, and I'll miss the way he holds me whenever the world is just too much.

"C'mon let's go watch a movie" Our date wasn't until another two hours or so. Once we were done clearing the table we stalked off into the room. "My shirt looks good on you." His fingers ran up and down the material of his shirt. "I think I'll bring it to L.A. with me." His smile widened before placing a lingering kiss on my lips. I wish that time would just stop and let this moment last forever.


"Hey Gianna!" I yelled walking into her hotel room. "Yeah?" She walked out with Justin close behind her. "Can you help me with my date outfit?" Her eyes beamed at the mention of her helping me. She loved making new outfits for others.

"Justin I'll be right back." She kissed him hard and quick before walking out the door with me. "Where's Cody?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. He went somewhere." She laughed before going into my closet.

"You have so many clothes in here." I laughed seeing her in awe. "I literally only have like ten outfits in that hotel closet and you have fifty." I rolled my eyes at her exaggeration. "It's like twenty." She glared at me making me laugh. "It's still more than me."


Once Gianna finished, I had ten minutes before my date started. "Are you ready to see what you look like?" I nodded my head, anticipation filling my body. I walked in front of the mirror, a gasp coming from my lips.

My dress was white with a black belt wrapped around my waist. It was short with the lower half of the dress puffing out. She put my hair in a messy bun, curling the loose strands. My makeup was light and it looked natural.

"Cody's here." Justin walked in, a smile coming upon his face. "You look stunning Rosie." He twirled me around, making me laugh. 

"Thank you." I walked out the door, a smile still planted on my face. Gianna's hand clasped onto mine giving me a quick squeeze. "You do look pretty." I laughed. "Thanks."

"Codes?" Cody was wearing a black tuxedo indicating that we were going somewhere fancy. He turned around his smile widening.

He cleared his throat blushing lightly. "You look beautiful." I blushed. "You don't look so bad yourself." He looked down at the ground, a clear sign that he was blushing. "Well we should get going." His eyes never left mine as we interlocked our hands together. Tonight was going to be amazing.


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in three months! My sister's computer caught a virus from some movie site she want on and it's been broken for three months. I'm very sorry, please do not be mad. But tell me what you think about the whole entire Justin Bieber drama. Oh, and who else saw Midnight Memories. It was hilarious. Anyway, thank you for reading and I will be posting daily. Oh and before I forget, I'm making a sequel for Love Me For Me. More details tomorrow. ~ Brianna xoxo

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