Chp. 23

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Rosie P.O.V

I woke up with the sun hitting my eyes. I felt strong arms holding tight agaisnt my waist making it hard for me to move. I shifted my body so I could but my head on his chest hearing his heart beat. It was amazing how he could just forgive me so easily and how he wanted this relationship to work. His mouth was parted and his eyelids stayed lightly closed. I bit my lip trying to hide the smile creeping up on my face.

He was willing to stay with me through the good and bad times. It felt like yesterday never happened to us which I was happy about. I wanted to just to forget about my past in Virginia and focus on my future with Cody. He was the only guy I would ever really see myself with in my future.

"Cody babe get up." I was getting bored but I was entertained at watching him sleep at the same time. I just wanted to hear his raspy morning voice. "Babe I'm still tired." He groan, tightening his grip on me. I giggled running my fingers through his hair. "What about today?" I thought that he had some interview to go to. "We have a free day and everyone went out." He mumbled wanting to go back to sleep.

"Where'd they go?" I could tell that he was getting slightly irratated by my questions. He was never a really good morning person while on tour. "My mom and dad went to go look for some hotels, Alli went to go hang out with some of her friends, Matt is at his office here, and my bodyguards are off. Not to sound rude but can we please go back to bed?" He pleaded with me not opening his eyes. i will have to admit I guess the yelling and crying made us both physically exhausted. I didn't answer him though since I soon fell asleep. 

*** 2 Hours Later ***

I felt a pair of lips on my forehead and I instantly smiled. "Babe get up I'm bored." Cody asked playing with my hair.

"Nope. Now you know how I felt when you didn't wake up." I stuck my tongue out still not opening my eyelids. Cody just laughed slightly moving away from me. "Well I guess no kisses for you then." He playfully teased me.

"Okay." I simply stating knowing that he couldn't possibly go a day without my kisses. I fluttered my eyes open seeing Cody's "hurt" expression. "Well don't I feel loved." He slowly started getting up leaving me on the bed. 

"Wait I thought that we couldn't share a bed?" I asked sitting up. "Matt changed his mind about it and he knows that we won't do anything stupid. Well unless you want to?" He wiggled his eyebrows smirking while I just looked up at him shocked.

"When will everyone get back?" I asked changing the subject. "They'll all be back at 10." He said grabbing a pair of his sweats. 

I slowly got up stumbling a bit. "You okay?" Cody seemed slightly worried. "Yeah just tripped over the blanket." He laughed calling me a klutz. "Well I'm going to go take a shower away from my jerk of a boyfriend." I joked around feeling his eyes on me. I slightly smiled at him showing that I was only kidding in case he took it seriously.

I grabbed a pair of my undergarments, my light gray sweatpants, and blue tank top. It was only Cody and I so I didn't have to look presentable for anyone. He didn't like it when I wore my "feminine clothing" as he called it on me. He said he liked it when I was dressed down and without make up since he could see my natural beauty better. I walked into the shower feeling the warm water hit my bare body.

After my shower I wrapped my wet hair into a messy bun and I just put on a dab of mascara on. It was mostly a lazy day for both of us so I didn't feel the need to look pretty.

I walked into the kitchen area and saw my lovely boyfriend stuffing his face with pancakes. "Cody calm down with the food." I chuckled making my way towards the fridge. "But it's really good." He whined acting like a five year old. I just rolled my eyes grabbing an apple and half a gallon of lemonade. "Are you really going to drink all of that lemonade?" He looked up at me surprised. "Don't judge my lemonade addiction." I defended the lemonade that was in my hands.

He stood up almost making me drop my lemonade on the floor. He was shirtless and I never really seen how good his body was. My eyes grazed all over his chest feeling my cheeks burn. I looked away before he could catch me staring at his chest.

I walked over towards the couch lying down. "Aw is my baby still tired?" He sat down beside me smiling. "Shut up." I moved my head over so it fell onto his lap.

He just sat there looking down at me. "Well what do you wan to do?" I turned my body over waiting for his reply. "I don't feel like going out today. I don't want any paparazzi, no fans, all I want is me and you." His answer made me blush but I just nodded while smiling.  "Well then what do you want to do?" I ran my fingers against his chest, tracing his abs. "Movie time!" He said getting up.


After about four movies later it was 6 o'clock. Cody was lying down besides me sleeping and lightly snoring. "Cody." I couldn't move since his grip was so tight.

I felt like something was wrong since his grip didn't loosen up like it usually does. His grip got tighter making me wince in pain. I managed to squirm my body around so I could face Cody. his face was pale and he was sweating. "Don't leave me." I heard him mutter out feeling him shake. I realized that he was having a nightmare but it was about me.

I saw a few tears fall out of his closed eyes. I did the only thing I could do. I kissed him with force hoping he would wake up. He kissed back almost instantly running his hands up and down my back. His tongue pleaded for entrance and I didn't deny. I felt the familiar sparks fly throughout my body which made my heart beat go faster. I heard a groan which made me pull away.

"Are you okay?" He looked so vulnerable and upset. He pulled me close to his chest breathing heavily. "I dreamt that I lost you. I tried looking for you after the fight but you- you left." I felt his tears run down my neck making me look up at him. I wiped his tear stained face softly smiling at him.

"Forget about it okay? Destiny is part of our past now and she will never go near me again." I reassured him, burying my head on the crook of his neck. He kissed my cheek delicately making me sigh with relief. 

We stayed like this until i felt my stomach rumble. "Cody?" I whined rubbing my stomach. "What?" he said mocking the tone I used. "I'm hungry." I mumbled pouting. "Well what do you want?" He chuckled lightly. "Pizza?" I suggested.

He nodded and I started getting up. "We could order in?" He suggested clearly not wanting to get up. "Or we could just walk down the road and get it." I suggested back. He turned around so he didn't have to face me. "Fine then you don't get any kisses, cuddles, or my hugs." I turned around but felt my back hit the wall lightly.

"Do you really want to do that?" Cody lowly whispered into my ear making me gulp. I haven't seen this side of Code before and it made me feel a strange sensation go through my stomach. He kissed my neck trailing kisses towards my jaw. "N-no." I stuttered. He back away smiling.

My jaw dropped in shock. "Tease." I mumbled feeling myself blush. He laughed grabbing my hand. "Let's go get that pizza." He smirked walking out the door.


Just a little cute chapter I threw together:3 Tomorrow is Friday and I finally get to see This Is Us on Saturday! I'm so excited<3 Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ~ Brianna xoxo

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