Chp. 29

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Rosie P.O.V

I woke up to a shining light coming through the plane window. I lifted my head up and saw that we were still in the air. I felt Cody move against me saying incoherent words in his sleep. I loved how his lips parted and how he arm remained tight on my waist even if he was dead asleep. His hair going in every direction and his cute small snores coming out of his lips.

I lifted my body up and lazily walked towards the bathroom. It was quite small but still big enough for me to walk to the toilet and then the sink. I washed my hands splashing the cold water on my face. I tried fixing my hair but it needed a good brushing. Luckily the pain had subsided but I still felt weak.

Everyone was still sleeping when I walked back out. Alli's head was leaned against Ryan's shoulder while his arm was loosely wrapped against her waist. Tom was lying down since he didn't have to share a seat with anyone. Brad and Angie were cuddling which I found very adorable.

I leaned my head against the door crossing my arms. I didn't feel like walking back to my seat just yet so I stood there for a couple of minutes. I felt my phone buzzing from one of Cody's pockets.

Cody<3: Thanks for the spam btw. You look beautiful:*

I looked up at Cody and saw him smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the seat. Well good morning." His husky voice said sending shivers down my spine. "Good morning babe." I kissed his cheek and pulled out my phone.

@RosieOfficial: Still on the plane! Chilling with my love @codysimpson <3

I felt Cody's gaze on me which made me put my phone away. "What are you looking at?" I asked. "I'm looking at my beautiful girlfriend who looks very cute in my clothes." He kissed my forehead making me blush in response. "Well your clothes are very comfortable>" I wrapped my arms around his waist feeling his abs against my head.

Even after about 2 months I was still obsessed with his abs but yet I think a lot of girls are.  His arm loosely hung over my shoulder keeping me close to his side. "Happy two month anniversary any way." I looked up at him surprised that he actually remembered. "Happy two month anniversary." I kissed him thanking him for remembering.

"How far do we think we are though from England?" He looked out the small window and shrugged his shoulders. "Probably an hour." I'm just nodded wanting to listen to his steady heartbeat.

"Are you excited?" I asked smiling wide. His eyes shown happiness and sadness when they looked into mine. I knew he was sad because I was leaving in two weeks or in two months while were in Europe. " I am excited but you're going to leave soon." I kissed him showing him that I feel the same way. "It'll be okay. We can still Skype, text,  and call each other."

He sighed letting his hand drop lightly touching my bum. We sat in silence looking out the window enjoying our company together. After awhile everyone slowly started waking up and started with their own conversations.

"Hey Rosie how you feeling?" Alli's tired voice asked. "Yeah just a bit tired." I got out and walked over towards the row of seats across from hers. "How about this we do some hardcore shopping?" I smiled wide since she knows that I absolutely love shopping. "Sounds like I plan love." I imitated a british making us both laugh. I walked back towards Cody and plopped down on his lap.

"Passengers we will be landing in London, England shortly. Please return to your seats and buckle up." The Pilot's voice sounded through the speakers. I leaned back into Cody's chest hearing him do a low chuckle. "Uh miss I think the Pilot said to go back to your seat." Cody obnoxiously said. "Sorry mister I dont follow the rules." He lifted his hands over his head. "Guys we have a bad ass over here." He loudly said.

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