Chp. 22 Part 1

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Rosie P.O.V

I took a step closed towards her making her back up a bit. She was shocked and looked a tad bit scared of how easily pissed I had gotten. "Rosie." Cody warned me hearing him take a step closer towards me. My eyes continued to stare at the fake bitch that stood before me smirking. "Gonna listen to you're boyfriend?" She coldly said. I shook my head feeling Cody's hand go around my wrist. "Rosie ignore her." He whispered into my ear. I shrugged him off taking a step away from him. "If she wants to start something she can finish it."

She laughed which was fake and cold. "You can't do anything to me. That's why you have scars all over you're body." I clenched my fingers tightly feeling them throb. I felt Cody trying to pull me away but I whipped my arm away from him. "Stop Cody." I hissed feeling his eyes looking at me shocked. He wasn't going to stop me from beating the shit out of her.

"You should listen to him Rosie darling, if you know what's good for you." Her eyes were dark and her expression showed how pissed off she was getting at me. "I don't have to listen to anyone especially you." I hissed.

"Really what would daddy say? Oh wait I forgot he's dead." The next thing was a blur but I found my self on top of Destiny punching her repeatedly in the face.

Cody P.O.V

It all happened so quick and I saw my bodyguard Keith trying to pull Rosie away from that girl. I just stood there for a second shocked hearing them both curse, yell, and punch each other. I ran over there forcing Rosie off of the girl who was bleeding badly from the nose. "Rosie calm the fuck down." I yelled at her making her wince slightly. I dragged her away from the girl who was getting medical attention.

I dragged her onto the bus almost making her trip onto the stairs. Is this why she was so fucking sad all of a sudden? She had tears falling and I had the memory of her getting on top of that girl beating the shit out of her. I know that Rosie said the girl's name but I didn't catch it. "Who the fuck was that?" I raised my voice anger filling my body. "Destiny." She whispered.

"Why would you do that? Do you know how much trouble you can get into? Why the hell didn't you tell me?! Are you fucking stupid or-" I felt her hand make contact with my cheek making it sting in pain. I didn't mean to call her stupid I was just so confused about what had just happened.

"Don't fucking yell at me or call me stupid Cody! You just can't start integrating me! Well I guess I can answer your questions before you call me something else." I  stood silent rubbing my cheek.

"Destiny was the girl who made my life a living hell in high school and she was the one that made me do the things I did! Also if I'm so insane why are you dating me?!" I felt like such a dick right now. "If I get in trouble fine Ill leave! I don't care, I'm done!"

I snapped my head up at her since that last sentence caught me off guard. I knew that's she was pissed off and hurt but did she really mean it? "What do you mean you're done?" My voice getting lower hoping that she was just mad and truly didn't mean it.

"Are you serious Cody? You didn't stand up for me at all!" She threw up her hands in the air irritating probably wanting to slap me again. "You wouldn't let me!" I shot back. How come I got a feeling this was going to end very very badly. "Oh yeah trying to drag me away was definitely sticking up for me. All you did was stand there and let her say horrible things to me." She did have a point and I felt extremely guilty about it. I tugged the ends of my hair agitated. "What the hell did you want me to do huh?" I yelled back.

"All i wanted you to do was stick up for me Cody!" Her voice cracked at the end hearing the hurt in her words. "You were going to beat up up one of my fans anyway!"

She laughed. "Your so called fan talked shit about you everyday! Do you even care that she beat me up every single day?" Of course I did.

"Stop making things about you for once!" Why oh why can't I keep my mouth shut? "That's it were done!" She started walking away. "What do you mean were done?!" I yelled walking after her. "It means I'm breaking up with you!" She yelled out before running away out the door.

My heart broke into a million pieces and the tears came down my cheeks rapidly. What have I done? I tried to chase after her but she was already out of my sight.

Rosie P.O.V

We didn't even last a month and look at us now. I kept on running ignoring everyone's stares and some gasping once they had recognized me. If I went to my house my mom would just drive me back to the arena and force me to apologize. Why did I have to fight Destiny? Why couldn't I just ignore her and walk into the dressing room? I ran out of breathe so I crumpled by an abandoned building. My knees were weak and my mind was racing.

What have I done? I should'nt of blown up like that on him. He was just confused and angry that I hit his "fan". He didn't mean to call me stupid since Is saw the guilt in his face after he had said it. I ruined this whole entire meet and greet and I was probably going to get kicked out of tour. It was 7:30 indicating that I've ran for about 20 minutes.

My head was pounding and my phone didn't help once it started ringing.

Cody<3 is calling

Accept/ Decline 

My heart broke when I pressed the decline button but I just couldn't talk to him at this moment. I should of told him about Destiny instead of making him worry. I didn't mean it when I said that we were over I just was so angry and I had to leave the bus. I should go back but i'm lost in the run down parts of Virginia Beach crying my eyes out about how stupid I am. 

Cody P.O.V

I ignored everyone who was yelling at me as I made my way through backstage. My heart was breaking apart and no seemed to even care about me. "Cody?" I groaned turning around. "What?" I snapped clearly not wanting to talk to anyone one. My face softened when I saw tears in my sister's eyes. I pulled her into a hug rubbing her back slowly. "Tell me what happened?" She asked softly into my chest. 

I told her everything including about who Destiny was. "Cody I'm so sorry. I'm going to go tell Matt and everyone else what happened okay?" I nodded my head. "What if they send her home? I mean were not together anymore." I cried as realization hit me at what she said earlier. She declined my call so she must be done with me. She held me tight trying to calm me down. 

"Cody look at me." She ordered softly pulling away. She started brushing the tears that had escaped from my eyes. "Everything will be okay once I tell them I promise. Now go sing and just stay calm."  I trusted my sister hugging her one more time. I let go hearing my name being announced from the stage. "Everything's going to be okay?" I asked again. "Yes now go." She ushered me giving me a small smile. Please God let this all be okay.


Drama!! The reason why I put this chapter in two parts is because when I wrote it out it was like 4 pages long. I also wanted there to be a cliffhanger so yeah. I really do hate Destiny, when I was writing this i wanted to punch my computer screen lol. But anyway tell me what you guys think about this whole entire situation going on. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.<3 ~ Brianna xoxo

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