Chp. 44

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Rosie P.O.V

"Cody I am not  getting up! My thighs hurt so baldy from working out yesterday!" I whimpered as he massaged my sore thighs. "Well no one said that you had to run twenty miles last night." I groaned putting my head on the crook of his neck.

"Do I really have to go to this photo shoot?" I tried lifting my arms but my body was just so sore. Let's just say that I got a little bit too excited about Selena and Gianna becoming friends. "Yes, then we have that dinner too with everyone." I groaned lifting my head and then burying it in my pillow.

"I just want to sleep forever." He chuckled rubbing my back. "But then I would never get my shirt back." I was going to take it off but then I remembered I would just be in my underwear. I was too tired to actually get fully changed so I just changed into one of Cody's shirts.

"How long do I have?" It was silent for a moment as I heard Cody turn his phone on. "We have about two hours." I graoned already knowing that once I get up I'm going to walk like a penguin. "I feel like someone had just hit me with a bus." I complained slowly getting up. 

  "Come here." He pulled me by the waist so I was sitting between his legs. I wasn't facing him so i got to lean onto his bare chest. "I just want one day where we could lie down in bed and have no worries." I mumbled playing with his fingers.   

"I wish for that every single day." He replied back kissing the top of my head. "Are you really going to be posing with me during my photo shoot?" Cody nodded his head which made me instantly smile. This was just for a teen magazine so I didn't have to dress up all sexual.

    "I guess I have to get up now?" I sighed feeling Cody's arms unwrap my torso. "Yup. C'mon love." Cody stood in front of me helping me with getting up. I winced at how sore and tight my thighs and arms felt. 

  I walked over towards the closet running my hands through the different shirts. I decided on a white bow bandeau, light blue jorts, and white flats. I threw my hair in a cute tiny little bun and pulled my slightly faded pink/purple side bangs to the side. I put on white eye shadow and black eyeliner. I look quite beautiful even if I feel like shit. 

  "I need to redye my hair." Cody looked at me like I was crazy. "It's only been what about two weeks?" I shrugged my shoulders somewhat agreeing with him. 

  "Ready?" Cody asked throwing a random shirt on. "Yeah." He intertwined our fingers together smiling. I tried to return it but I wasn't in the smiling mood. "Get on my back." I stopped walking looking at Cody who was giving me a serious look. "Okay?" I laughed while he crouched down.

    I hopped on his back feeling relief in my legs. "I love you." I mumbled happily on his neck. "I love you too." He replied sending flutters throughout my heart. 

  He walked into the elevator receiving weird looks from little kids. I stifled a laugh while hiding my head on Cody's shoulder. This was completely normal, me being on Cody's back in an elevator. Well this was our kind of normal even if people think it's crazy.

  He walked out and continued walking until we got towards the car. He set me me down gently while the driver opened the door for us. "Thank you." He smiled warmly at me before heading toward the driver's seat. 

  "Well someone has good manners." Cody mumbled playfully. "I always have good manners." I jokingly rolled my eyes leaning onto his shoulder. "Sure you do." I stuck my tongue out at him hearing him chuckle. 

  These were the moments I was going to miss when he leaves. Even when he's close by me he's always working and we barely get to hang out together. Sure I'm always at his concerts and he's sometimes at my photo shoots but that's work. Like right now we're not hanging out, we're inside a car going towards some photo shoot. Also once I start writing my album we'll never have time together.  

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