I Am Yours (8)

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~Chapter 8

Warning: Smut! Blood play and choking! Have fun and good luck!

*Your POV*

I woke up next to Kylo. His eyes were still shut and he seemed pretty tired the past day so I let him be. I played with his hair for a second and then kissed his forehead before walking out of my bedroom and into the kitchen.

*Third Person*

You put on your morning coffee and looked out the window. Someone grabbed you from behind and you screamed before you were turned around, "Oh it's you," You said. Thank god it was Kylo and not somone trying to get to you.

"It's me? I'm the only one in here besides from you,"

You smiled at his little comment before he said, "You know my place is really bigger you maybe you should spend the night with me."

"I would love to," You smiled.

"I'm sorry babe, but I got to go. I will see you at work, and if you want I will take you back home;"

"Thank you so much Kylo, I can't wait" You said.

"Okay bye," He says giving you a small kiss before leaving. The door shut behind him and you just looked at the flowers he gave you. Damn I hope that nothing happens to these. You thought before you went and got dressed into your uniform.


Over the course of the day you passed even more sexy faces to Ren and you could tell he was loving it.

"You comming?" He asked standing right behind you.

You shut of your data pad and turned around. "Is there anyone outside?" You asked.

"No. Everyone is done work by now. Curfew starts at 6ish and you don't want to be cought wondering the halls at this time."

"Makes sence,"

"Come," He said leading you down the hall. You clearly lived on the lower levels of star killer and he lived on the other side were all the higher ranking people live.

You guys finally made it and you rememberd the address to be the 3rd Level (wich was the highest) room 303. You stepped inside and got a good look at the place. He was right. Everything was so big and he had a tone of space. "This is wonderful-" You were stopped by him grabbing you and holding you in the air before pinning you down onto his bed. "Fuck sakes." He says, "Do you honestly think that I have that kind of self control around you (Y/N)? You are gravely mistaken."

You giggled under his weight. "Now be a good little girl and get yourself undressed."

You smiled and reached down to pull down your pants. Your belt was difficult to Un do so you asked for help and he groaned and Un did it for you. "Damn it," He says softly.

Your hands reach up as you pull your shirt over your head and he pulled you into his lap. "Now that's a good girl." His Lips smacked onto yours and you let out a slight moan. "Now I want you to sit back down and close your eyes. Be ready for me,"

You noded and obeyed. Your eyes shut and above you the sound of him undressing himself was imminent. You relaxed and tryed to calm yourself down before you finally forced this out of you. "Do you love me?"

The sound stopped and you felt a hand on your cheek, "I'm in love with you," He says softly.

"But why are you so affereid to show your emotions towards me when we are not alone?"

The love in his voice dropped and you could feel his eyes on you, "-I know that Hux wouldin't understand. He would probably take you away from me if he found out about our 'little meetings'. I couldin't bear to have that happen to me and when the time is right things will change and one day I hope to put a ring on your finger,"

You blushed and he started kissing up your neck, "I'm sorry this is just how it is going to be,"

You stopped and thought to yourself, "I'm yours, Hux can't know and if he does prove to him. Prove to me that I'm yours and no other man is to come near me."

He leaned down to your ear and wisperd, "With pleasure,"

His soft bare hands went all over your body and you compleatly gave yourself in. In a matter of seconds he stripped himself of all clothing and yoàu waited with your eyes closed for the big 'lift off'.

He clasped your hips and spred your legs. You let out a small gasp as soon as you felt it, "Look up at me," He says gently before leaning down and kissing your neck with passion.

"Everyone-" You stopped for a second as your words were a bit slurred, "Everyone at work saw and passed me a few looks-"

"-That comes to show you dear," He started thrusting harder, "That you are mine and I don't like to share."

You still had a few dark circles around your neck from the last time you and him met up. 'JESUS! 'you thought to yourself.

Your eyes closed for a second as you were lost in a kind of trance, "Look at ME! I want to see the look on your face when you cum," He raised his voice slightly. His hand found it's way onto the bed head bord and it started slamming into the wall.

"KYLO!" You screamed as He was now fucking you with full force. Your reached up and dug your nails into his back so hard that he started to bleed. You brought your lips up to the small cut and you gently began to suck what ever blood would come out.

"You're such a dirty little girl," He said moving you away from the scratches and back into place. His hand clasped a hold of your neck and you compleatly gave in. He held you hader but just enough so you could breath.

"Please- I'm so-"

"I know babe I'm close too," His thrusts became more and more sloppier before you both rid through your orgasam.

You were out of breath and he pulled out and you rested your head into his shoulder. "Damn," Was all he could say.

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