(13) Long Lasting

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~Chapter 13

You woke up tierd and comfused. Everything around you seemed to be a blur before you realised that you were in a medical bay, "She's waking up," You hear someone say not too far from you. You winsed as soon as the sun cought in your eyes.

"What happened? Were is Ben?" You asked looking all around the room for him but he wasin't there. Panic set in and you couldin't control your thoughts as you thought about what might have happened to your lover.

"Calm down miss," Poe tried to help you but you still worried, "Ben is in a different room, his wounds were far worce and doctors don't know if he will surive or not."

"You're telling me that Ben might die here?!"

"No I'm not saying anything, right now his perents are on his death bed and we are still waiting to see if he will recover or not-"

"What happened? Can I see him?" You asked. Right now your mind was in some sort of shock, you didn't want to believe that the love of your life would die that way.

"No you can't see him, Leia said that her and Han want to say a few last words to their son just in case he dies tonight."

"Please Poe, I'm his girlfriend I love him dearly-"

"I'm sorry miss-"

"My name is (Y,N) ," You said firmly.

"Okay (Y,N), General Leia is still not sure if she is to trust you or not. You did come here in first order imperial officer clothing. I can't say to blame her, and she orderd that you are to be questioned by her later today when your on your feet,"

"Poe I left the first order because Snoke asked Ben to kill me and he refused and told off the both of us blowing our secrate that we were together."

"Yes, but still. I don't wish to fight a woman who is still delirious from a ship crash and can bearly walk on her own."

You noded your head and eased back into bed. You couldin't help but worry about Ky- er your mean Ben. Still you loved him deeply and knowing that he may not make it through the night made everything way worce for you. How could you live with yourself after finding out that the man you loved died for you and there was nothing you could do to even help save his life. Poe left and you were a complete mess and you cryed for a long time, several hours you thought.


Ben's parents waited at the side of his medical bed patiently for the news of their son. His chest would rise every now and again showing that he was still fighting to live but chances were that he would bleed out over night. His face was even more pale after blood lose and his went from a pink to blue or purple. Ben was hooked up to several machines and a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.

His wounds were even worce. He had a long and deep cut across his chest and close to his neck, they were lucky that he didn't die from his guts falling out from it. They did the best they could to stich it up but the doctors think that they saved him too late. It seemed to everyone that Ben's time was up and he died a vilian or at least what his perents thought. But they never knew what he did for (Y,N) before he got himself into this mess.

"Han I don't think Ben is gonna make it," Leia says to her husband. They both heart broken to see their son that they raised that fell to the darkside and came back home to only die on their medical table.

"Trust me Leia, Ben will pull together . He will be fine,"

"You assume to much. This is our son on his death bed right now."

"Leia do you really think that keeping that young lady away from Ben is the best option? Imagine how much she will hurt when Ben dies here?"

"Han, Poe told me that she was dating Ben and was the one who convinced him to join the light side. She never told him anymore. I don't want to take any chances with our son's life, Han."

"I know you are hurting too but she deserves to see him one last time. You already talked to her, she gave the information you wanted and I don't see why she can't say good bye to him,"

"You know what Han, fine. I will send for Poe to bring her here. It would kill me to see something like that destroy her."

Han nodded and Leia did just that.


After you got the news that you were finally allowed to go and see Ben you also heard that he wasn't doing very well. But you didn't care, you had to see him one more time before he died for you.

"Please come in," You heard Leia on the other side of the door. You quickly went in and saw Ben. You couldin't believe that he would die this way. You didn't want to think that way, you just hoped that he would live to spend the rest of his life with you.

You sank down to the floor and you bit back tears. This was all my fault. You thought, I should have pushed Ben out of the way before he did to me! You plopped your head onto the bed and you could hear his steady heart beat. "You really love him, don't you?" Leia asked you as you looked up at her with those big sad eyes.

"I love him more than myself. He promised me that one day he would marry me and protect me always and that's what got him into this mess. When the ship went down he pushed me out of the way to save my life, and I wish he never done that,"

"Ben wanted to merry you? How long were you two together?" Han asked you and you said.

"Almost six months. He was very supportive of me and always made sure that I was always alright and looked after. I love him very much," You said.

"Than I understand how you feel. Our son left us a long time ago to join with the first order. It killed us both when we lost him and now we are about to lose him again-" The droid came rushing in and cheaked on the young man. It took it quite a while to look over all the signs to make sure that he was alright.

"Mr. and Miss Solo it seems that your Son's heart beat is finally coming back to his normal state and the bleeding is finally under control. But his reasons are still unknown but we know that he dosin't want to die,"

What does this mean? You asked yourself again, Ben wants to live for me and his family? I bet that deep down inside he is fighting for us with all he was left.

"There is now a 70% chance that he will wake up tonight, and the other 30% is that he will die. Still is he does wake up please call one of us droids." The droid flew away and I got a better look at Ben.

It made me feel much better that I might see his eyes once again. I missed him dearly. You thought.


A,N: Wow a lot happened in this chapter! Holy force!

Anyways I think that (Y,N) is beginning to sink into the hearts of meny in this story! For now lets all pray that Ben gets better and that the 70% chance was really true!

Until than please sit back and relax and until next time, May the force be with you!

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