(14) Proposal

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- Chapter 14

Everyone felt the emotion in the room as they all waited to see what would happen to their dear Ben. Leia fell asleep in Han's shoulder and you fell asleep with your head on the side of his bed. It was late at night like at 4 or 3 AM and you needed to sleep for once. Your eyes flickered open and you looked around the room. You looked up and it seemed like Ben was still alive and he lived to see the next day, but he didn't wake up yet.

You turned over and saw that all the lights in the hall were shut off and it was completely quiet. You still didn't know why you woke up. You just felt the need as if you needed to be up. The mechine started beeping and you quickly got up and waked up Han and Leia.

The machine said that all his vital signs were finally normal and relief washed over you. Ben's eyes squinted and he started to move. You waited for him to wake up and turn over to look at you but you could tell that time was coming soon. His eyes opend and he squinted under the light. Han said, "I'm going to get the doctor! My son lives!" He says stumbling over to the office.

He looked up at you first and than over to his mother, "W- what happened? Why are you guys looking so sad about?" He asked the both of you and you couldin't help but let a tear of joy slip from your eyes.

"Ben sweetie, we thought we lost you."

"The hell happened? W- why am I here? I should-"

"Honey you were badly ingerd in the crash that got you here. You are under a lot of pain medication and we are all lucky to have you with us."

Ben noded and looked over to you. Your eyes were red and sadness nad happiness filled them up completely and you couldin't help but fall down to his level and rest your head into his shoulder and you soaked it with your tears, "I thought I lost you. I thought that I would never again see those perfect eyes of yours," You sobbed.

"I'm fine (Y,N). I will always fight for you," He said gently. He lightly stroked your hair like the way he always did. You loved it when he played with your hair. "It's good to finally see that you are alright,"

Han came running back into the room and the droid finally came back in and you let go of him and stepped back from him. The droid tested his blood for a second and made sure that all the levels were alright. "Sir you are lucky to be alive. Your wounds would have killed you but we must have brought you here in time."

"Thank you doctor," He said before the droid walked away.

"Ben," Leia said she looked even more emotional than you were. She pulled him into a hug and you thought to yourself, this is what it means to have a family. "Please don't ever leave us again. We misted you so much,"

"Mother, father." He said to both of them, "I'm not going anywere. The first order betrayed both me and (Y,N). They asked me to dispose of her after they found out about my feelings for her. I know now that I made a big mistake by leaving the resistance and now I know that I'm never going to fail you again." He says this. "I never knew that turning to the darkside would effect my life with family,"

"Ben, we are so happy to have you back. Once you are out of here we will set out a room for you,"

"That won't be nessasry General, Ben can stay with me once he is better. I don't mind living with him at all," You said before Ben gestured for you to come over to him.

"(Y,N) please come here for a second," He said very calmly. You listen and he said the words you have been waiting for, "(Y,N) I love you very much and now that I'm finally united with my family I can give you what I have been promising for all this time now. I would be on one knee right now but, you know that I can't do that. Marry me?" He asked and your heart leaped from your chest. He had a ring in a black velvet box waiting for you to slip on the ring.

Of course you were expecting a proposal soon and here it was. You couldn't imagine a better way for him to finally ask you. You nodded and tried to keep yourself together but you didn't. You leaned down into his arms and said the only thing you could, "Yes I will marry you Ben Solo," You kissed him on the cheek and his parents seemed a little more shocked than you were. He slipped on the ring and it looked amazing on you and totally said the love you had for each other.

"You're marrying her?" Han asked. Both of their mouths hung open and you waited for Ben to answer.

"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time father. I couldn't even tell anyone on star killer about our love affair and I know what I want."

"Ben me and your father are very happy for us both, I'm glad that I finally get to see my son marry before I die. We will leave you two alone for a second to discus a few things about the wedding," Han and Leia walked out of the room and gave you guys a moment alone for a second. Ben quickly patted down on the bed for you to sit down with him and you only said,

"Ben I don't want to hurt you," You said. You really didn't want anything to happen to him now. You loved him dearly and you didn't want to cause him more pain.

"No babe, I will be fine. Please lay down with me, we have a lot to talk about you and I," You obeyed and crawled in with him, "You know my perents did seem pretty shocked. I'm glad they really like you," He said.

"Yeah sure, your mother interigated me a few hours ago before you woke up,"

"Oh I see, she only wants to keep the ones she loves safe. I'm glad to put that ring on your finger that I always promised you,"

"I'm just glad you are alive. I didn't know what I would have done if you didn't wake up and tell me you loved me," You said thinking about what would have happened.

"I won't ever leave you. When do you want to have our wedding day?" He asked you and you had no idea.

"What if we do it when ever you can start moving around?" You asked him and he laughed.

"No (Y,N) I need to know a real date and I will worry about the rest."

You smiled and you still couldin't believe how lucky you were to be marrying the man that you loved and who risked his life for you and who would die for you with no questions asked but still, you felt as if you were finally coming together. "Okay, how about two months from now? How about we have our wedding here and everyone from this base comes here and everything turns out just fine?"

"That is fine by me (Y,N)," He smiled and pecked at your lips before you pulled back for a second.

Meny thoughts went through your head that night. You were happy to finnaly marry the one you loved but you were stilol worried that his mother won't ever love you the same, along with his father anyways. You were apart of the first order longer than Ben and you saw the crazy messed up things Hux would do to you both if he found you. But you were far away from that and in two months you would be married to Ben Solo and Kylo Ren would finally die. Ben was still the man you loved but the man who was much happerier that he is finally with the ones he loved dearly.


A/N: Yay you guys are getting married! Yay! Who knows what's in store for the both of you yet! Stay tuned and find out!

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