Dead Weight (24)

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- Chapter 24

After a while you had gotten used to everything going on in your place and you got used to the constant heart break you had to face by being near Ben all the time. You didin't want to show any emotion or have anything to slow you down. You still worked for your husbend and you resumed working along his side and keeping all his things together.

"(Y,N) you have a meeting with General Hux this afternoon. He plans on keeping an eye on you for now," Ren let you know as you got ready, and you put you coat on. You couldin't beleive that your husband would let you be alone with such a man. "He wants to cheak up on your doings and make sure that you are doing your job right, before he finally lets you off so you could help me with the baby,"

"You really trust him alone with me? After what he did to your face," You ran your fingers across his freash scar, he quickly moved your hand away and you asked, "Do you really think that you will be alright alone with Raven?"

"Yes, I'm her father I will be more than fine. Now you don't want to keep him waiting," He quickly wated before you walked out the door and you finally steped out side and you were very self concous about your body since you just had a baby. It wasin't hard for people to be able to tell.


You walked into his office and thought nothing of anything that was going on but it didin't make sence that you werent alowed to "Love" your husbend when you dated Hux a long time ago.

"(Y,N), I'm glad you could make it here," Hux said sitting down, "I hope you can live with your new arrangements,"

"Of course General but about my leave to stay with Raven-"

"Tell me, you know a little over a year you and me were once a thing (Y,N)," You knew that the general would never change and he never seemed to have anything better than to bother you constantly. You thought that over time and the fact that you were maired and that you had a child now he would finally back off, but he didin't. Some how Hux beleived that he had a chance.

"-You didin't call me here for a meeting did you? You called me here for-" You wouldin't dare say. You wouldin't let somthing like that as foul as that slip out of your mouth.

"Princely, you know that Kylo Ren moved on from you and he no longer cares for you. Your relationship is strictly work and your- eh child is it? For god sakes if I was him I wouldn't do something as stupid as to get you pregnant after I banged you,"

You lost it. You couldn't take it anymore but scream and slam your fists into his desk, "Shut up! You don't know a fucking thing about me!" He grabbed your hand that was about to hit him hard in the face.

"If I were you I would watch your tounge, but-" He pulled you closer to him and he strocked the side of your face, you quickly realised what he was doing and you pulled back away from him but he was much stronger than you, "I might just do that for you," He quickly and swiftly forced you agenst the wall and he looked deep into your eyes, "If you tell anyone what I'm about to do I will kill you slowly and your presoius Kylo Ren won't save you now," He quicklly forced your lips onto his with his gloved hand. You squirmed under his touch and pulled away with your eyes wide open. You slapped him across the face and he looked at you as if he'd done nothing wrong at all.

"I told to stay bloody out of my life! You are in the way from me and my husband! You're tearing a perfectly good family apart, and I'm married!-"

"To a man who doesn't even love you?" He asked you before you pulled away.

"And I'm leaving now on my leave to watch my baby," You quickly walked away and slammed the door behind you and you ran down the hall into your room and you slammed the door behind you and you sat down in front of the door and Kylo quickly came over to you to see what was wrong.

"(Y,N) what happend to you? Why are you crying?"

You started to sob and he instantly knew something was wrong and the meeting went terribly. "Tell me what happened,"

"-Hux said he'd kill me if I told you- what happened," You quickly sat into his lap and he wrapped his arm around you and you said softly.

"Hux is jealous, he forced me to kiss him." You couldin't say anything else, it hurt you that you ever had to complain about Hux to your husband. Ky quickly moved over a bit so you could rest into his neck.

"What would you have me do? I can't do anything about Hux perveing on you all the time," What the hell was he saying about this? Did Kylo mean to not care? Does he really not love you any longer, "I can't focas on my work with all this drama (Y,N). We have a baby to look after and I mean that I haven't even compleated my training and the lightside is growing in power as we speak. I clearly don't have time for you. When I'm around you I think play time and now I just need to focas on my work,"

You quickly held on a bit tighter, "I thought you cared about me, to not alow my ex boyfriend to say things to me and try to kiss me above all. I bet that he's the one making this difficalt for the three of us,"

"Even if Hux didin't interfear I still couldin't focas on you, I need to train constantly and build my force ability,"

You knew he wouldn't understand, Kylo was often very selfish and you came to reconise this a while after you arrived here and you couldn't help but think why would he want you around with the baby if he didin't want any distractions in his life right now.

"(Y,N) I want to love you and I really do but I can't right now." He kissed your forhead and held you closer to him.

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