Killer Disire (10)

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A/N: The next few chapters are going to be amazing! You guys are going to get what you have wanted from the start!

Btw: Please comment! I love pulling up my phone and being like hey somone loves my work! (BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD!)

Chapter 10

(Y,N) had fallen asleep watching a movie called (M,T). Kylo took time to anylise her beauty as she slept peacfully. Her chest rose calmly and she was snuggled in and it was clear that she was happy to be here with him.

Ren sat down next to her and gently played with a peice of her (H,C) hair, twirling it around with his fingers. She started to wake up and he kissed her temple. "Hey love," She said streching out.

"You know that you look really cute when you are sleeping (Y,N),"

"What did you do today? How did it go? Please what happend to you Ren?" You asked him.

"I didin't go very well, I talked to him and he denyed everything. (Y,N) I don't know what to do. I'm lost and I want to help you but theres nothing I can do about it. I talked to supreme leader and he told me that I can no longer fight him. He quickly senced the both of us and knew something was up. Hux still think that you are dating him and-"

"That son of a bitch has no reason to tell me what I am doing and what I am not. I don't love him and I never will and some day I would glady rip his heart out through his skull from what he has done to us,"

"I know you will darling. I know you will,"


Over the next few mounths you practicly never ever left Kylo's quarters. You basicaly moved in with him. He didin't mind at all haveing your around and he told you several times that 'having you around makes him feel as if he can always look out for you and keep you safe. After all he dosin't want Hux walking into your room at night! Even the simplest pleasures would put him at ease like when you would wake up in the morning in his arms or just the cute things that you would do.

"What are you doing?" Ren asked you as you were just laying down doing nothing and just making weird noises.

"I'm really bored Kylo," You said in a really boring tone.

"Oh really?" He crawled into bed with you and layed beside you. "I might have an idea to keep you occupied," He gave you a devilish smirk and he pinned you underneath him. Your wrists were held above your head.

"I like the sound of this," You said as he leaned down and kissed you passionately. You moaned softly under his lips and he pulled you closer.

You kissed eachother softly and Ren played with your hair and knotted his fingers within them. He became more and more aggresive with you as he thrusted his tounge into your mouth. His domanance was something to be admired and everytime he holds you you felt safer then before. Your lips flet really swore and you weren't about to stop now. He pulled back and positioned beneath his legs and he kissed your neck. You let out a loud moan and he sighenced you with more heavy kissing. You felt yourslef becoming more and more addicted to the welcoming softness of his lips. The way that they pressed agenst yours was orgasmic.

The door wooshed open in the room and you almost jumped. The sound of someone clearing their throat was eachoing through the room. Kylo quickly sprung off of you when you heard a scream. "What the bloody hell is this?! I knew you were sleeping with her! I knew it!" It was General Hux. He must have came in here to discus something with Kylo regarding his training or something else like that. "You stupid whore!" He snapped at you.

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