Run Pretty Girl, Run(25)

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- Chapter 25

You couldin't beleve what has been hapening over the next few months. Over and over again Ben would walk off with the baby and not say a word to you now that she was three months old. You knew that he had to get his shit together or the both of you will hurt. You knew he was getting stronger as each day passed and his anger grew with his strength but nothing would make him hate either you or the baby.

One of these days you finally put the baby to sleep and she was finally silent and you couldin't help but ask if you could speak to Ben over dinner. Of course he wanted to you you both sat down and you prepared a dinner for the two of you before you finally asked, "Won't you help me?"

"Sorry," He said leaning in, "What was that?"

You couldin't help but pour your heart out right then and there, "You maired me for a reason and yet you can't even defend me from Hux. He could have raped me and got away with it-"

"(Y,N) I can't! Can't you see that I have my hands full as it is?! You always exspect me to stick my neck out for you when it would have been better if I didin't. I know that Hux is a big pain in the ass but there's clearly nothing I can do about it. I tryed helping you before and I was torcherd for it! My back is practicly ripped open from all the ruff beatings I had to go through for you! Can't you see that I would die for you, just please I really want to be here and we need to tone it down a notch. Wwe aren't young and stupid anymore, you can't exspect me all the time to show up at your door in the middle of the night and fuck you senceless?! Things can't be the way they were anymore, I'm growing deeper in power and I will soon have the galaxy in my hands,"

You gave in, "But please, I need attenchen too. I have been craving it for so long and-"

"(Y,N) I will properly treat you once I finish this weeks training," You noded and you couldin't help but ask.

"What did Snoke do to your mother? Is she here?"

Kylo instantly stifend up and said, "She means nothing to me and I need to focas on-" He stopped and said, "She is in prinson cell 331125 on block number 3 on level 1. I tryed to reason with them but she was really strong and strong enough to resist torcher and... I wish I didin't have to hold my own mother,"

You never really seen this side of Kylo Ren before. When you thought of a man who cared and wanted to love you and spend time with you you always thought of Ben Solo; the man you maried. "Stop playing games with me Ren! From one minute you are Kylo Ren and filled with anger and wanting to do nothing but train and get your work done while there is a small side of you that cares about your family's well being. Your mother has it in her heart to forgive us both for what we have done, I miss you dearly Ben,"

"Please don't start calling me Ben Solo again. I only wanted to use that name so I could- keep you safe. I had to get you away from all of this and now it is far too late and there's is nothing we can do about it. There is no were in the galaxy that the first order can't track us down in. We aren't safe and soon you and I will finally get what we both diserve," He finally finishes and you know better to keep your mouth shut. You both finished and you headed back to bed like every eavning.


You couldin't help but think about all the pain Leia must be in right now. Her bones must be breaking and she must be begging for mercy while there was nothing you could do about it. You knew were she was being held, but this place was far too heavly gaurded and anyother thing was that Kylo Ren had fallen asleep right next to you and you knew that if you made a sudden noice you would wake him up and he wouldin't like that one bit. You listen silently for the sound of his quiet breathing and yet everyone exspet for you was sleeping.

The same images snapped through your head f what might be happening to your mother in law. She might not even be kept alive long enough to meet her grandchild.

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